Zhu Rhonji and Elizabeth Warren
Zhu Rhonji and Elizabeth Warren
There is a commonality here and it is an important one: both are extremely intelligent politicians.
There is also a major difference: Rhonji got the top job in China and basically took the country from economic idiocy to near war;d supremacy; Elizabeth Warren was just too intelligent for the American people to elect. The American people prefer to vote for farmers and failed businessmen (Truman); generals only two of whom Grant and Eisenhower had any common sense; the photogenic and attractive (Kennedy); the criminally insane (Johnson and to a much lesser extent Nixon);, political hacks (Ford, Hoovers stooge on the Warren Commission; utter incompetents (Carter); glib former movie stars (Reagan); heirs to a corrupt political dynasty (Bush Sr. and Junior; trailer trash, albeit brilliant (Clinton); a good speaker who promised nothing specific and did nothing but play the role well (Obama) and a slightly crazed colorful business man with a remarkable career and admittedly some solid accomplishments; and an affable career plagiarist buffoon now senile (Biden).
Happily the Chinese system, execrable in all other respects, was an oligarchy run by presumably intelligent people who worked their way up to power and in at least his case chose unobviously great man to let them out of the mud of centuries into modern economic prosperity. (Zhou's family derives from one of the great Emperors and was very successful over subsequent generations in a country where the Bush's , starting with Prescott, would have been taken out and shot.
American leaders are chosen by voters who are for the most part total idiots and have little or no stake in the success of the United States. This specifically includes virtually all public employees who have inordinate political power and who are a prodigious economic drain on the economy. (Interesting that the first thing Zhu did was get rid of MILLIONS of useless public employees!!!)
I do not suggest that the planned economy of China is superior to our economic system. I suggest only that despite its inherent failings IT APPARENTLY IS MORE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING LEADERS. (Clearly Zhu was economically light years better than any other political leader. FDR, Stalin and Churchill were all economic disasters.)
I only suggest that the United States system invariably chooses idiots.
I also do not suggest that Elizabeth Warren is or was a potential Zhu, only that she seems to have been and is the most intelligent of a bad lot, and that that intelligence goes for nothing in our system. She is incidentally 100% dead on correct with her 2% wealth tax. THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN IMPLEMENTED IN THE CIVL WAR AND BROUGHT BAD WITH EVERY ALLEGED NATIONAL CRISIS. If the rich were paying for things they would seem to it that the money was more sensibly expended. (There would never have been a Civil War if wealthy Northernors had had to pay for it and send their sons to fight. Implementation and administration would be trivial quite efficient, despite the idiotic prattling of Janet Yellin.