About Zhou Engine

About Zhou Engine

(updated on 2023-08-28)

§1. Zhou Engine (the Technical Background)

Zhou Engine (patent application number: PCT/CA2014050106; been granted patent number: JP6574447, CA2976644), our invention, it is an internal combustion engine also a gas-turbine-combustor. Its reasoning has been widely discussed & publicly evaluated at LinkedIn, and got lots of praise; these are shown in the web-pages of this article and which links. Its reasoning has broken through the current theory of IC engines, and achieved scientific discoveries. It can recover the "residual pressure" of its exhaust directly, easier and fully, rather than the recovering the only waste heat of the current engines. Thus,our invention, it has the very high thermal efficiency?(maybe over 60%) and specific power. Moreover, it has better and lower cost exhaust purification. It can be used in any field that has air and fuel and needs motive power, such as in a car, ship, aircraft, power plant, etc. Using of it, can reduce consumer spending hugely, and is good for cutting down carbon emissions, saving natural resource and protecting the environment.

Its all pistons are driven by one power-cam rather than a crank shaft, and move along an "optimized curve". To understand it easier, please first read the following 10 articles, and then the patent file:

1) “Turbocharged Zhou Engine”??(https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/turbocharged-zhou-engine-jing-yuan-zhou?trk=pulse_spock-articles ,updated on May 8, 2022), shows some unique features, how to actualize the thermal efficiency more than 0.6, how to recover full the residual pressure of the exhaust of this engine rather than only recovering the waste heat of the exhaust, and better and lower cost exhaust purification.

2) “Zhou Engine vs. a conventional four-stroke engine” (https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/zhou-engine-vs-conventional-four-stroke-jing-yuan-zhou , updated on 2019-02-15).

3)"An Outline Design of Zhou Engine & Its Comparisons"(https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/outline-design-zhou-engine-jing-yuan-zhou ) is discussing the prototype design of a turbocharged Zhou Engine, and shows easy to realize variable compression ratio to achieve the higher thermal efficiency in wide power range.

4) "Barrel Type of Zhou Engine" (https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/barrel-type-zhou-engine-jing-yuan-zhou?published=t), this is the type we recommended.

5) "Power-cam mechanism"( https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/power-cam-mechanism-jing-yuan-zhou?trk=pulse_spock-articles updated on 05 July 2020).

6) "An Inertial Thinking on Cam Mechanism" (https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/typical-style-thinking-jing-yuan-zhou ,updated on 2020-06-17) , its comparing calculation shows: We have had a harmful inertial thinking on cam mechanism, and we should correct that.

7) “An example of Zhou Engine working as a combustor of a gas turbine” (https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/example-zhou-engine-working-combustor-gas-turbine-jing-yuan-zhou?published=u).

8) "A Primary Design Example of Turbocharged Zhou Engine Vs. Wartsila 12V32" shows how to design a Zhou Engine that uses the fuel of HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil) or MDF (Marine Diesel Fuel) and works better than Wartsila 12V32.

9) "A Common Mistake in the Current Thermodynamics of IC Engines" (https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/common-mistake-thermodynamics-ic-engines-jing-yuan-zhou ), the mistake has neglected or hidden one process of entropy increasing in the working of IC engines. The process wastes huge mechanical energy irreversibly in the exhaust. This is a scientific discovery. This invention happens to avoid the process and avoid to waste the mechanical energy, so we can raise the thermal efficiency hugely by “Turbocharged Zhou Engine”.

10)?"A common mistake in textbooks of physics", it shows: the ideal thermal efficiency of IC engines has been commonly overvalued by now, that has misled us on increasing thermal efficiency. Having corrected the mistake, reference to the experience of the current IC engines, we can estimate the real thermal efficiency of this invention with more accuracy.

11) The patent file (https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/docservicepdf_pct/id00000030299621/APBDY/WO2015120530.pdf ),

Note: The reasoning on this invention in the above listed articles, has achieved new scientific discoveries, made breakthroughs in the current theory of IC engines, and is pushing great scientific progress, especially our theory of “turbocharged Zhou Engine”. This is our contribution to science, may win the Nobel Prize. Also, this adds difficult for readers to understand, especially for those experienced engineers of IC engines, please carefully read the above articles that number is 1, 3, 6, 9 and 10. Please keep attention on this article and which links, we will keep updating them as the widely discussing.

All the technical parameters in its reasoning (within the above articles), are near to the common values of the recent IC engines and gas turbines, and without exception. Therefore, we can actualize Zhou Engine by recent common technique, and have no technical barrier. That will also reduce the cost of the researching and manufacturing of Zhou Engine. That will also avoid the risk in actualizing Zhou Engine.

Thousands of viewers have read the above articles, made some comments and some liked. Most of them are professionals, and they have not found any fatal defects in our invention. Therefore, I think our invention is correct and worth spreading. This will be good for all human beings.

Note: LinkedIn (https://www.dhirubhai.net ) is the most famous website for business and employment in the world. It has about 550 million members. Sometimes the graphic display is not normal; after a while, the graphic display will be normal. It is a secure website, and very solid that likes a bank. Its any member, they may publish articles, click likes, and write comments kindly and carefully; what they have done cannot be changed and deleted by others, and can be seen by others to judge their ability and character. The articles on the reasoning of this invention all published on LinkedIn, for wide discussion and public evaluation.The articles have been read by thousands of professionals, and have got a lot of praise. Any body over the world can read the articles. Any member of LinkedIn can click like or comment on the articles to do the evaluation. I cannot change or delete the evaluation. The evaluation on the articles you have seen, cannot be cheated, and you can see who did it to confirm its credibility. You can see now that most of them who evaluated the articles are elites. Therefore, now, LinkedIn becomes a good evaluation platform for this invention, which is public, just, reliable, and even better than an expert group. According to the wide discussion and public evaluation at LinkedIn, the articles on the reasoning of this invention must have not fatal mistake. Thus, this invention will have succeeded.

If you think this invention is useful, please try to use it, or make comments and click "like" under the articles.

We welcome everybody to manufacture the products of this invention. The earlier you get our permission, the lower royalties you would pay.

§2. The First Step of Business Plan, and Seeking Fund & Partners

Zhou Engines, because their pro-social and pro-environment, their wide use, their advantages of high thermal efficiency (maybe over 60%) and high specific power, they will gradually replace current internal-combustion engines and gas turbines in the world.

Now, the world market of gas turbines and internal combustion engines exceeds 100 billion us$ each year. If this patent is successful, Zhou Engines will gradually take the place of current gas turbines and internal combustion engines, we will obtain more than 1 billion us$ each year, from the royalties of this patent.

Moreover, this patent of “Zhou Engine” also includes power-cam mechanism and toothed-roller array. Their purpose is far wider than on Zhou Engines. We can obtain extra profits from them.

Furthermore, because our contribution mentioned in §1, comparing with the "giant magneto-resistance" of the 2007 Nobel Prize, we may win the Nobel Prize in the future, we and the investor may share the honor and the bonus. As long as we have completed the prototype verification of this invention, we have confirmed the contribution to science, especially the theory of "turbocharged Zhou Engine". The prototype verification, one action has two big goals.

This invention is a technology, not merely a product. We try to find a fast way to show and verify its advantages, and bring it to market. If you find a faster way, please tell me, you may become our partner. I think that the following way is one fast way.

Now, we are seeking partners and seeking financial support of USD 1,000,000 for start-up, for the first step of our business plan.?

At this step, the first step, we plan to design and manufacture and test one turbocharged Zhou Engine, this prototype, about 165kW, using of multi-fuel including natural gas and gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas. For detail, please see "An Outline Design of Zhou Engine & Its Comparisons".

Because, this prototype, it has been widely discussed; it has no extreme parameters, no technical obstacle, and is small, so it is easy to design and manufacture and test, and with low cost. It also avoids the risk of trial-manufacture of Zhou Engine as much as possible. Its real thermal efficiency ought to exceed 60%. As long as its real thermal efficiency over 55%, added its high specific power, it will have fully competitive in the world now. This will be good enough. Therefore, its success probability is more than 95%.

Once we have passed the test, we will commission an authoritative third party to re-test the prototype, and sign a report, then release the report. Many manufacturers over the world will be willing to produce Zhou Engines for their markets for enhancing their competitiveness. By then, we will start getting plenty of income from the royalty of Zhou Engine.

This step may take half a year.

While the first step ends, the value of this investment (1,000,000 USD) will rise hundreds of times.

If you have a team for designing or testing heat engines, and have funding, and you are willing to cooperate with us, that is our favorite, please contact us.

If you have only a team for designing or testing heat engines, and you are willing to cooperate with us, please contact us. If this cooperating authenticates our idea of Zhou Engine by the prototypes, your team will become the best team in the world.

If you have only funding, and you are willing to cooperate with us, please contact us.

To contact us, please send email to: [email protected] .

The second step of business plan: (predicted)

Once we have passed the test, we will assemble this turbocharged Zhou Engine with a current suitable electric generator to form a power unit. We plan to produce these power units, using as the power source for a family or a company. These power units will be easy to make a market and easy to sell, because of their high thermal efficiency, low noise, low vibration, and cheap fuel cost (natural gas). And, the thermal efficiency of a generator unit is easily measured and verified by any customer themselves. Also, these power units will be easy for massive production. Therefore, producing these power units is the fastest way to actualize and to spread this invention.

Once we have passed the test, the theory of Zhou Engine will have been verified. The sale of these power units, and the report signed by the authoritative third party, will be good advertisements. Many manufacturers over the world will be willing to design and make Zhou Engines for their markets for enhancing their competitiveness. By then, we will start getting plenty of income from the royalty of Zhou Engine.

Additionally, as the second step, we may raise a large sum of funds again, for massive production of Zhou Engine to make profits.

§3. Market Estimate

This invention aims at the world market of IC engines and gas turbines, which exceeds 100 billion us$ each year currently. It may take the monopoly position in the market in the future. Now, the high demanding for energy conservation and emission reduction, is good for this invention spreading.

After having past the prototype testing, the market value of this invention will gradually appear.

Estimate: After 3 years, this invention will enter the world market of marine engines, power generations, vehicle engines, and gradually expand its market share. The annual income from the royalty will exceed 20,000,000 us$.

Estimate: After 5 years, this invention will enter the world market of plane engines, and gradually expand its market share. The annual income from the royalty will exceed 200,000,000 us$.

Estimate: After 8 years, this invention will take the whole world market of IC engines and gas turbines. The annual income from the royalty will exceed 1 billion us$.

§4. ZhouEngine Technology Ltd

Based on this patent (PCT/CA2014050106), we have established a company, named “ZhouEngine Technology Ltd.”,?a Canadian federal corporation, in BC Canada. The certificate of the incorporation shows in the below figure, or verify us from Canadian government website.Our goal is to spread this invention, contribute to society, share this patent and its profits.

We are seeking users, partners and financial support.

If you are interested, please email [email protected].

Welcome to comment and to share.

Don Petracek

Sr. Mechanical Designer / Product Developer -- Inventor!

5 年

All the best, but no thank you. Don

Valeri Eremin

COO at African Green Developments (Pty) Ltd.

5 年

All the Best in all your developments.

Valeri Eremin

COO at African Green Developments (Pty) Ltd.

5 年

All the Best!


This is a beautiful thing!?




