Maxime Bonnasserre
CHO @ Stoa | Helping leaders and teams lead life and business with more clarity, love and inner peace via coaching & keynotes ??
The end & start of a new year resonates for many as a time for resolutions! They are discussed in our homes, at dinner parties or in our private journals. Where is this coming from anyway?
I did not know where this originated, hence I did a quick Google search. Thanks to History, I discovered that this tradition started as far as 4,000 years ago by the Babylonians. They used to do it to revere gods and make sure they would fall in their good grace, we do it to improve ourselves. In any case, it’s focused on us. Good or bad is not up for debate here for me, yet I sense that we can go deeper!
How We See Resolution Now & What Should They Be
Let’s start at the root so that we may level the playing field on what resolutions are. I always like to play with the etymology of words. Resolution comes from the Latin Resolutio which was the action to solve something. It later became a frame of mind often used as a pious or moral determination. Hence, New Year's resolutions. Today we use them as an intention to put ourselves in a frame of mind, action steps, and habits to solve something about us to better ourselves.
Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with resolutions and goals for the new year! There is a process of self-examination and reflection and good intention to get better at something or achieve a desirable goal or outcome. The question becomes will you be able to follow through and how will this serve you? Furthermore, one could argue why is this an annual process. Shouldn't be a daily one?
I’m reminded of the Stoics here that would classify all actions as eudaimonic or hedonic. In the former, you operate from a virtuous stance. It’s a Greek word that has such a wonderful meaning, yet a simple translation does not render it justice. Your aim is joy, happiness, wisdom, and benevolence.
On the other hand, if your resolution has to do with hedonistic goals such as money, fame, possessions… I doubt that this will contribute to fulfilling your happiness reservoir for a long time! As I’ve shared in this video, you’ll end up wanting more and will ultimately remain unsatisfied.
I believe that in such a case, we should all review our resolutions for ones that are eudaimonic. In this way, we might bring to our year and years to come something of substance to better off our character as opposed to our wallet. Or any other thing to satisfy our ego.
The ultimate goal
I’ve titled this article zerolution, because I believe we can zero in on something much more transcendent than a few resolutions whether they are eudaimonic or hedonic in nature!
The question that came to me while reflecting on this subject and article was the following:
“If I had only one intention to set for this year, not knowing if I’ll even finish the year alive, what would it be?”
How does that change your resolutions? Seems like we are forced to up our game here with this question, don’t we?
When we start to go for the roots of things, we get a different perspective on the matter! Why do we come up with resolutions? I think it’s safe to say that we do it because we believe that we’ll be better and happier if they materialize. Hence, something is off inside of us. We need something. We want something to be okay! And we might just be if what we aim for is attained.
Ultimately, is there something higher than we can aim for? Something that, even if not attained will leave us, the people around us, our planet a little bit better?
On our life journey, many paths can lead us to awaken, to our peaceful place, our freedom. The highest form is to free ourselves from ourselves. When you study the scriptures and the ancient texts, they all point in that direction. Yet, it is not in the mere understanding and study of that wisdom that we get to live it! Our process is one of experimentation and experience. A daily one!
So dear readers, let me invite you to search your soul and zero in on that intention that would allow you to open your heart, free yourself from yourself a little more, and leave every moment better than how you found it! What intention comes forth?