Our Zero-sum world of, politics; power; war and peace; prosperity and crashes; boom and bust; expansion and contraction; growth and recession; and the proverbial bull and bear, is but too familiar reoccurring economic cycles, aka “business cycles.â€
Zero-sum thinking, perceives situations as zero-sum games, where one party's gain would be another's loss. The term is derived from game theory, a branch of applied mathematics that provides tools for analyzing abstract situations in which parties, make decisions that are interdependent.
Zero-sum is an impasse situation, often cited in game theory, where the net change in outcome is zero. A zero-sum game may have as few as two players or as many as billions of participants.
Unlike the game theory concept, zero-sum thinking refers to a psychological construct—a person's subjective loop interpretation and reinterpretation of a situation to no certainty..
Paradoxically positive-sum game, in game theory, is a term that refers to situations in which the total of gains and losses is greater than zero…
Food for thought!