Zero Sugar Foods Have TONS of Sugar: WHAT???
Can’t eating sugar be part of a balanced, healthy diet if consumed in moderation? I mean, come on—it actually helps make healthy foods palatable! Dr. David Katz says it’s the preferred fuel for your brain and also mentioned, "What’s the point of being healthy if you can’t really enjoy yourself?"
If we go to the Sugar Association and read what they say regarding cardiovascular disease, it states, “Nutritional patterns may play a role in several of these risk factors. However, scientists have heavily debated and not fully settled whether there’s evidence for a specific role of carbohydrates or sugar in cardiovascular disease.” This is a common tactic used by tobacco companies—all they need to do is create doubt in people’s minds, especially doubt in scientific research. We know that the American Heart Association receives major funding from Big Food, and the major dietetic group that organizes events for dietitians gets funding to the tune of around $23 million.
Sugar Defender is a natural supplement designed to help manage blood sugar levels with ingredients like Ginseng and Chromium
So, here’s a question: On average, how much sugar do you think a person really consumes? It’s 23 teaspoons—23 teaspoons of sugar is roughly half a cup every single day. That’s a lot, but is that really all the sugar we’re consuming? There are hidden sugars that many people don’t talk about. What do I mean by hidden sugars? Let’s look at this food right here—it has zero sugars. And this one? Zero sugars. What about Goldfish? Zero sugars.
That’s interesting because these foods are good examples of junk food and ultra-processed food calories with no sugar. So, why are they so bad? If you take the total carbohydrates and subtract the sugars and fiber, you’re left with what? A starch. That’s this stuff right here, and on the glycemic index, this stuff is way higher than actual sugar. When we talk about starch in these products, we’re not talking about potatoes or rice; we’re talking about maltodextrin, modified food starch, or modified corn starch.
In other words, starch has a bigger effect on your blood sugar than actual sugar. Now, let’s consider the average person’s starch consumption. Guess how much sugar that really is? If you guessed 75 teaspoons, you’re correct—that’s roughly a cup and a half of sugar every single day from hidden sugars in starches.
Let me give you another example: I used to consume a much bigger bag of Doritos while in college, and this bag here has 11 servings. I guarantee no one eats just one-eleventh of this bag. It says zero sugar, but if you consider the hidden sugar from starches, it’s about 30 teaspoons of sugar. Pringles? This has about 60 teaspoons of hidden sugar from starch, which is around a cup and a half.
So, there’s a lot of sugar in various foods, but what’s so bad about sugar? I mean, sugar is natural, right? Well, at least this sugar is natural. It might be from nature, or it might be synthetic, but there’s a big difference between refined sugar and the sugar in bananas, fruit, or other foods.
Sugar Defender is a natural supplement designed to help manage blood sugar levels with ingredients like Ginseng and Chromium
What’s the difference? Refined sugar isn’t just empty calories—it’s something without nutrients or antioxidants. It’s very different from actual fruit. What people don’t realize is that when you consume refined sugar and try to use it as fuel, it requires a tremendous amount of nutrition—magnesium, calcium, zinc, B vitamins. This is something a lot of people don’t know. The biochemistry of your body, especially in your little factories called mitochondria, needs nutrients to process that type of fuel.
If you’re constantly consuming refined sugar, your body has only one choice—to deplete its nutrient reserves until you’re deficient. Now, there’s a backup engine outside the mitochondria, but the problem is that it doesn’t produce much energy—only about two units of energy called ATP. In contrast, in the mitochondria, you produce 36 to 38 units of energy or ATP. So, now you’re running on an old, clunky motor, and everything starts going downhill because you no longer have the antioxidants to protect you from the damage occurring in your cells.
This is why we develop chronic conditions like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, inflammation, and skin problems. We’ve known this for a long time, which is why if you look at the ingredients in some of these foods, you’ll see that they’re all fortified with nutrients. They know that if you’re deficient in even one nutrient, you can develop a major disease. Just to make a point, if you’re completely deficient in one nutrient, like vitamin B3, you will die.
What food manufacturing companies have done is enrich or spray a few synthetic vitamins, and you might think that’s enough—but it’s not even close. Spraying seven synthetic vitamins from petroleum is not the same as consuming whole foods. You’re not going to get the same nutrition from these junk foods.
Sugar Defender is a natural supplement designed to help manage blood sugar levels with ingredients like Ginseng and Chromium
So, here’s what I recommend you do: Number one, stop eating sugar. But also consider eliminating starches—not all starches, but the starches from processed foods. If you do that, you’ll start to reverse this disease cycle. You’ll start lowering blood sugars, getting rid of fatty liver, and causing your body to burn its own fat—that’s called ketosis. Ketones are a much better fuel for the heart than glucose, and suddenly your organs start working better and better. Your cravings go away, and your mood is elevated.