'Zero Harm' and Other Platitudes
Clive Lloyd
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Note: This article is an edited extract from my book, "Next Generation Safety Leadership: From Compliance to Care" which can be purchased as a hardback, paperback or (Kindle) e-book?here
Research shows that if goals are unrealistic, but you can achieve them by cheating, then people will cheat. They will commit fraud to obtain the incentive – George Loewenstein
Imagine there was a company that decided to go the extra mile in driving performance by implementing a goal of ‘zero errors.’ The ambitious target was made a ‘core value’ of the organization, and ‘zero error’ posters were proudly displayed around the offces (even in the bathrooms!).
Inevitably though, shortly after the grand launch, somebody made a mistake. Morale took a nosedive as investigations were conducted into how this could have happened. ‘Zero error reset’ workshops were rolled out, along with revised policies and procedures designed to prevent a repeat of the devastating occurrence.
Witnessing all the fuss, audits, and inquiries (and the associated mountain of paperwork), fear among staff members began to increase (“What if it was me that made the error?”). Due to basic human fallibility, others also made errors. Nothing huge or dramatic – just minor mistakes. As nobody else had witnessed these errors, the fearful employees made an understandable decision not to report them.
In the meantime, a blissfully ignorant management team was feeling proud of its ‘30 days error-free’ status, and barbecues were held to celebrate the achievement, along with the apparently error-free staff members receiving celebratory caps, key rings, and other such trinkets.
Sadly, however, due to a lack of subsequent learning from these numerous small (yet unreported) mistakes, a very serious error occurred.
Sound familiar?
Of course, the above is a fable – pure fiction (at least I hope it is!). The whole notion of ‘zero mistakes’ is absurd, given the fundamental imperfection of human beings. Yet many organizations are seemingly in denial about the fact that adopting a goal of ‘zero harm’ often plays out in exactly the ways I described above.
I think in their finer moments most leaders would agree that, at some stage, an injury has been reclassified to avoid falling into the ‘lost time injury’ (LTI) category (i.e., someone has been injured but put on ‘light duties’ to avoid it counting as an LTI). It happens and it happens a lot! Think what that does to trust levels among employees
So does a ‘zero harm’ goal work? Well, probably not!
As Dekker (2017) noted, no studies reported in Zwetsloot et al. (2017) or elsewhere have been able to single out the presence or absence of a ‘zero harm’ vision (as a separate variable on a comparative basis) so as to determine its effect on safety outcomes. Hence there is no research demonstrating that ‘zero harm’ (as a clearly defned variable) reduces incident rates.
Moreover, zealous devotees of ‘zero harm’ would do well to temper their blind enthusiasm based on a recent study conducted in the UK construction sector which concluded that:
"working on a project subject to a zero safety policy or programme actually appears to slightly increase the likelihood of having a serious life-changing accident or fatality; a possible ‘zero paradox’?...?they suggest that the apparent trend towards abandoning zero amongst some large organizations is well-founded. As such, if 'zero' policies stymie learning whilst failing to reduce accidents, the need for a countervailing discourse is clear" (Sherratt & Dainty, 2017).
And indeed, there?is?a countervailing discourse. In some cases the ‘anti-zero’ campaigners are just as fanatical as some of the more fervent ‘zero harm’ supporters. If you think I am barbecuing this particular sacred cow, I suggest you pick up a copy of Dr. Robert Long’s?For the Love of Zero?– he goes the full nuclear option! My own view is that such extreme positions are seldom helpful.
Most of the companies we work with have some form of ‘zero’ vision. This doesn’t mean they are somehow stupid, unethical, immoral, or even (as some have opined) evil, and to suggest otherwise is ignorant and churlish.
I am a strong advocate of always looking for a positive intent – it’s a powerful and underutilized leadership tool of infuence. Rather than condemning a leader (or company) for engaging in seemingly errant or self-defeating choices (such as introducing a ‘zero harm’ goal), first look for the positive intent:
The ‘zero’ vision seems admirable and, I believe, is (generally) put in place by sincere people, with the central aim of focusing attention on avoiding harm and making it clear that no harm is acceptable to them. However, just because a goal has a positive intent it doesn’t mean it’s helpful.
Much has been written about the importance of goals being SMART, and while the acronym has numerous variations, the following captures its essence.
Even a modicum of analytical thinking will demonstrate that ‘zero’ goals struggle to fit the SMART criteria
Is ‘zero’ specific? As a binary goal it would appear to be very specific indeed?...?but hang on a minute! What does harm include? First aid injuries? A stubbed toe? Does harm include psychological harm such as stress leave, burnout, anxiety, depression, bullying, and suicides in mining camps? If not, why not? Even in this brief analysis, what is meant by ‘harm’ becomes quite ambiguous – and if the goal is not explicit it becomes difficult if not impossible to measure.
Is it achievable? Again, that depends on how you have defined harm, and if what constitutes ‘zero harm’ is ill-defined, how will we know if we have achieved it? More to the point,?does your workforce believe the goal of ‘zero harm’ is achievable? In my 20 years of experience I have rarely encountered a site where the majority of the workforce (or even the leaders) view ‘zero harm’ as an achievable goal. Does this matter? Absolutely!
When confronted with contentions such as those above, some of the more dyed-in-the-wool ‘zero’ cheerleaders will backtrack and say, “Oh well, it’s an?aspirational?goal.” To me that is like the perennial politician talking about achieving a budget surplus?...?an aspirational goal. And as the voting public hears these words they roll their eyes and say, “yeah right!”
Maybe aspire to a better goal instead? A SMART goal? A goal that won’t result in the workforce rolling their eyes?
Many organizations that fall into the category of proactive or integrated cultures – for example, high reliability organizations (HROs) – frequently achieve sustained low incident rates without so much as a mention of the word ‘zero,’ so clearly it is possible to achieve excellence without employing binary goals and running the risk of building scepticism and mistrust among the workforce.
In a recent (and excellent) podcast about ‘zero harm’ by Griffth University’s safety science gurus Drew Rae and David Provan (2020), the researchers summarized the findings from all relevant and available studies. Their balanced conclusion was that?if a company doesn’t already have a goal of ‘zero,’ it probably shouldn’t adopt one. They went on to say that if a company?does?have a ‘zero’ goal, leaders need to make it clear that it is in place primarily to direct attention toward safe operations, rather than the numerical goal?per se.
I largely concur with David and Drew; however, for the companies that retain the ‘zero’ goal, I would add, “stop banging on about it!” There’s a good chance that every time leaders mention it, somewhere in the room many of their workers are rolling their eyes!
As well as ‘zero harm,’ another oft-used phrase in organizations is “Your safety is our highest priority.” If that is true – if the phrase is to be anything other than a mere platitude, then senior staff need to start leading by means of authentic communication
Dekker, S. (2017). Zero vision: Enlightenment and new religion.?Policy and Practice: Health and Safety, 15(2), 101–107. doi: 10.1080/14773996.2017.1314070
Rae, D., & Provan, D. (2020). Is adopting a zero harm policy good for safety? Podcast at https://safetyofwork.com/episodes/ep12-is- adopting-a-zero-harm-policy-good-for-safety (accessed April 4, 2020).
Zwetsloot, G.I.J.M., Kines, P., Wybo, J.L., Ruotsala, R., Drupsteen, L., & Bezemer, R.A. (2017). Zero accident vision based strategies in organizations: Innovative perspectives.?Safety Science, 91, 260– 268. doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2016.08.016.
Clive Lloyd?is an Australian psychologist who assists high-hazard organisations to improve their physical and psychosocial safety performance through the development of trust and psychological safety.?He is a co-director and principal consultant of?GYST Consulting Pty Ltd, and developer of the acclaimed?Care Factor Program.
Clive was recently named among the top 5 Global thought leaders and influencers on Health & Safety by?Thinkers360.?
He is the author of the Amazon best-selling book?"Next Generation Safety Leadership: From Compliance to Care".
For further information about the?Care Factor?approach please contact us at:
What I take from your article is that Zero Accidents policies are not essentially bad but they can have adverse, unintended effects when they're badly implemented. Aren't the examples given above just poor implementations of "Zero Accident" and of SMART objectives? Because for me "specific" relates more to a specific definition of "harm" (e.g. fatalities and life-changing accidents), not of "zero", which is a measure, and to me it makes sense for an organisation to strive to achieve zero fatalities and life-changing accidents. What the organisation needs to plan and do to achieve that objective is what the Achievable characteristic of the objective must address. Because, to be achievable, the leadership must walk the talk and do their part (invest budgets, time and personal effort) - because "Zero (fatal and life-changing) Accidents" cannot be achieved solely by employees. And probably this is where most Zero Accidents policies fail in many ways. If managers have a carrot at the end of the stick (objective), it will most likely fail. What I think would bring a change in the paradigm of HSE (PDCA) management is to make the HSE objectives validation objectives, like in soccer. Scored a goal from offside? It doesn't count.
Founder - CLIDE Analyser EHS Software I Predictive Analytics
3 年Clive F. Lloyd very will articulated the - "Zero Harm" concept. Zero Harm is like an ideal condition defined in law that is used only for carrying out research or to draw references for further studies. But in reality, the ideal condition will never exist or be difficult to achieve. To understand more - Every year companies define two major goals the very first is the YOY growth rate (revenue, EBITA, or PAT) and the second is "Zero Harm". On a time scale, the SMART principle can be applied for the first goal i.e growth rate but the second goal doesn't qualify and the same is explained in the article. "Zero Harm" is a vision and not a goal, many a time companies may mix these two concepts, or maybe for the ease of communication they use it as the intent is positive. Zero Harm is an end result of what organizational leaders do in terms to achieve it. One example of this could be defining a measurable goal to bring down the incident rate by 10% on a YOY and use a strong data-driven decision-making approach to achieve it. To summarise I would like to say organizations should not mix vision and goal rather define various SMART goals to achieve a "Zero Harm" Vision. I personally recommend the book as it talks about safety dimensions from a different perspective.
Senior Construction Health & Safety Professional
3 年Fantastic article Clive. I really enjoyed reading it although it brought back some bad old memories which validates you’re spot on ????
Organizational Psychologist|Human Performance and Ergonomics Professional/Aviation Psychology
3 年Clive F. Lloyd I enjoyed this. Very insightful.
4 年I recently came across a large corporation who state in their hiring and training policy that they want "competent and compliant" employees. Makes me shudder to think of all these submissive people working for them. Pretty close to zero as they had no recent incidents that were reported.