Zero Emissions. Where do you start?

Zero Emissions. Where do you start?

It wouldn’t be wise to start with a goal of "zero". Ideally, we all strive to make a positive impact in every way possible, but in the pursuit of simplicity, let’s start with the goal to run a business with zero emissions.

Is it possible (really) to run a business with zero emissions?

The short answer is, as of today, it is not 100% possible to run a business with zero emissions since the technology, infrastructure, innovation, legislatures, policies, alternative materials, supply chain, science, finance, and economic conditions do not yet exist.

I understand fully that government policies and legislatures will play a massive role in helping incentivize the transformation and scale innovation to turn the theory of “net zero emissions 2030” into practice, but as a climate optimist and part of the business world for the last 11+ years, I do believe the private sector has a role to play today.

So what is the plan?

Before we dive into business, it’s perhaps a good idea to start at home. How do you, as an individual, make a difference and reduce emissions? What is in your control?

Think about your day and what you are using:


  • Where does the energy in your home come from? Is it a renewable source like solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, ocean energy, or bio-energy?
  • If not, how can you and your community enable the change? (Incentives available today to make the switch)


  • Is it possible to use your bike/walk/take public transport before you take out your car for travel purposes?
  • Is your car electric? (Incentives available today to make the switch)
  • Is it possible to take the train instead of flying to your next destination for work or leisure purposes?
  • How do you plan to offset the carbon emissions in case you are taking a plane to your next travel destination?


  • Where is the food you are consuming coming from? Is it locally sourced?
  • Is it possible to start growing a few herbs at home?
  • Is it possible to start a community garden?
  • Is it possible to ration your meat, fish, and dairy consumption? Perhaps try an alternative starting with once a week?


  • Where you spend your money matters; every dollar counts.
  • Where you invest your money matters. Have you looked at the funds you invest in, and where the money is being invested? Is your financial planning aligned with your values?
  • Before you buy something, ask yourself: What happens to this after I am done using it? Where does it go?


  • Body, mind, and soul are connected, and there is a reason why the phrase starts with the body. Start there.
  • Once you are in sync with the elements in your body, your mind and soul will follow.
  • I believe from my path that developing awareness is a path to accepting the truth about the climate crisis.
  • Practicing mindfulness to be present, to be awake and accept the truth of our planet today, and feel one with nature since truly we are the same, and harming planet Earth is harming oneself, but one needs to be awake to feel this truth.


  • Reduce, repair, recycle, and reuse.

Know this: every step, every action, and every change counts.

Why did we start at home?

This is our learning ground. This is where one truly understands what choices they have as an individual today. It's where we can explore what's possible with what's available to us as human beings on planet Earth before diving into business and how to make changes there.

There are many frameworks for a net-zero emissions business transformation, and they're not fundamentally different from traditional finance business models. You calculate where you are today, you know what your target is for the end of the year and the next five years to be profitable as a business, and you build a plan to get there by breaking it down quarter by quarter.

The one fundamental difference between the frameworks of a financial business model vis-a-vis net-zero emissions business transformation is that the latter only exists in theory today. As discussed above, technology, infrastructure, innovation, legislatures, policies, alternative materials, supply chains, science, finance, and economic conditions need to catch up for this to be a reality today.

I believe that for businesses to truly make a meaningful step in the direction of a net-zero emissions future, all five stakeholders of the business, i.e., employees, consumers, shareholders, communities, and representatives of planet Earth, need to sit down together and align on the values in which the business will be operated in the future. That is where we need to begin.

Framework to Values:

Commitment - To create an equitable future for all species of planet Earth.

Innovation - Many solutions to net-zero emissions across various functions of an organization, be it IT, finance, procurement, supply chain management, manufacturing and distribution, sales and marketing, R&D, energy consumption, owned assets, or travel, do not exist today, and hence innovation is the heart of what is required. It means that change, learning, and development are the only constants.

Collaboration - One very important lesson one learns from civilizations that are 3000 years old and beyond is that community is everything, and we cannot do this alone. The solution to climate change is similar; no one has the answer, and hence government bodies, institutions, academics, the private sector, and more need to come together to collaborate, and share solutions, research, innovation, frameworks, policies, and race towards a more equitable future.

Resilience - Bringing everyone along on a path you haven’t walked before is not an easy endeavor, and hence collective resilience is key.

Mindful and equitable approach - There are no answers to the current climate crisis; there is the truth about the current situation, curiosity about the future, positive momentum, and questions, lots of questions. It turns out that what we need to start, we have, is the intent of a more equitable and mindful approach.

If there is one thing you take from this read, try this:

Make space on the floor, sit down, and get comfortable.

Place your hands wherever appropriate.

Breathe in through your nose (three counts).

Breathe out through your nose (three counts).


Repeat until your mind is empty and all you know is your breath.

Do this every day until you can walk down the street experiencing all five senses - the taste in your mouth, the smell, sight, and sound of your surroundings, and the touch of your hand in the wind or the sun on your face or the rain, even better.

Being present every day in every moment takes practice. The practice of breathing, mindfulness, awakening, and accepting.

Being present every day in every moment is when we are truly awake.

If you are awake, you see the truth about climate change.

Then, maybe it’s time to ask yourself the question are you not awake?

#esg, #netzero, #greentech, #climatechange, #corporatesustainability #climatetech #sustainability #businessstrategy #mindfulness #wayoutisin

?????ClimatEU?- the biggest climate job board in Europe, and they send out weekly job recommendations for free

???Climate Tech VC?has a job board along with lots of other resources and insights into the industry

?????Climate Draft?is a coalition of climate tech startups and VCs. Most of their jobs are based in the US, but also in Europe

???Deep Tech Jobs ?? ?? ???is the UK and Europe’s leading source of Deep Tech companies and jobs

??? a community for those looking to transition into climate and provides job fairs and events for its members (membership is free)

???? ?????MCJ Collective?is an online community for those seeking to get into climate tech. They have a number of jobs with their portfolio companies

???Climate Jobs List?focuses primarily on climate tech with jobs across the world and on every continent

???Carbon Removal Jobs?is catalyzing the growth of the carbon removal industry through talent

???Climatebase?connects people with employment and volunteer opportunities at organizations working to solve the climate crisis.


Peenaz Irani, EPt的更多文章

