Zero-carbon focus
James Luckey
Editor, Concrete at The Concrete Society / Self-Supporting Minister in The Church of England
While news bulletins are still full of stories concerning the topic du jour, let’s ignore the ‘elephant in the room’ and focus on industry matters that still need addressing when life returns to normal – whatever form that will take.
One of the striking statistics over the past three months is the fact that the UK’s daily carbon emissions fell by 36% during lockdown (up to the end of April). With passenger vehicle usage cut so drastically (down 60%), the UK’s biggest carbon emission source – transport – was clearly a significant factor in the fall of CO2 levels.
Those figures have given further impetus to the push for 2050 carbon-neutral Britain, with the committee that is advising the Government on such matters insisting that the UK’s economic recovery after the pandemic should be ‘green’.
The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) has put forward a six-point plan to rebuild the nation, while delivering a stronger, cleaner and more resilient economy. These points include: using ‘climate’ investments to support economic recovery and jobs; strengthening incentives to reduce emissions when considering tax changes; leading a shift towards positive, long-term behaviours; and providing support for carbon-intensive sectors contingent on them taking real and lasting action on climate change.
While the Government has taken a baby step with its £2 billion investment last month to boost healthier and greener transport activity (namely cycling and walking), it is the last of these CCC points that will have the greatest impact on our industry.
The need for a subtle change in approach is underlined in the use of a new expression. It is no longer sufficient to crow about ‘sustainability’; everything from this point onwards is focused on ‘zero carbon’.
Fortunately, the cement and concrete sector is already working from a position of strength (no pun intended), having worked diligently on its carbon cutting – and overall environmental impact and performance – over decades. CO2 emissions from cement production have fallen 25% since 1998, especially impressive considering that domestic sales have increased by 29% since 2012. The embodied carbon of concrete is also on a long-term downward trend, being cut by 30% based on 1990 levels.
Lest anyone be in any doubt, these are no easy achievements. Carbon emissions from cement production in the US, for example, have increased by 20% since 1990.
But moving forward, clearly there will be far greater scrutiny and demands placed on carbon-intensive industries. For the cement and concrete sector to stay at the forefront of the built environment, it will not be a time of resting on laurels but redoubling efforts to improve performance. That will mean constant analysis of how CO2 emissions can be cut at every stage of the production chain, from clinker, cement and concrete to construction and recycling.
Social distancing may be a longer term part of the ‘new normal’ but the task to close the distance on zero carbon has already begun.
Taken from Concrete June 2020. Visit: /