What is the need of the hour for democracy now?

...In the growing time of adversities and political anarchy which architects people's opinion what we need now?

Which is the critical need gap which has to be bridged first?

...Beyond revolutionary government policies, economic development and educational reforms what is crucial?If you think deeper then you will discover the answer for these critical questions.


I am sure this sounds crazy and irrelevant. But let's have an open mind to understand the blind spot in front of our eyes. For a moment let's not ignore this as an improbable idea and explore the possibility for its reasoning. Firstly we need to understand the context to uncover the staged myth around it. The world is not driven by the state and its government. This is the fact globally for nearly a century. 

Yes. This is how it is happening after the 1930 - Great Economic Depression when the New York Stock Market crashed. Does this puzzle you and present you with an out of context perspective? Travel along this thought to uncover the real story. To understand this you should explore this with the virtue of patience. Post World War 1 USA has become the dream destination for investment as it emerged victorious when Russia has fallen because of the Communist Revolution which changed the world forever. So all the elite businessmen and their communities, corporation, power holders, investors who owned 80% of world economy flees to New York and poured in their investment in American Company shares. Of course, they thought the most powerful nation in the world will definitely yield a great return on their investment. They were oblivious to the fact that business will grow only if corporations sell more product and services and that is possible when you have a large marketplace. Unlike Great Britain or other European countries, the United States of America had only 15 colonies with a minuscule population under its regime. As an obvious fact, the American Corporate could not sell and create wealth for its shareholders so their stocks only had an inflated paper value and could not pay back even dividends to its shareholders. So all the investors were panicked and sold their shares within a week and the world economy collapsed (By the way history is going to repeat itself soon as it is the economic state of United States of America now).

During this crisis, a number of private media houses mushroomed silently. And they have been funded by the rich capitalist family businesses. Because there were some great minds who have mined the great insight that the Monarchy System has come to an end and the world will henceforth be ruled only by Perception Architects as the world will be ruled through democracy. In simple words, they are called Media Houses. Media Houses create people's opinions, the opinion generates votes which creates the government and government will have the power to control and govern business. And cleverly, the businessmen created these Media houses. So its a master plan of the capitalist to stay in control of the wealth. This phenomenon is oblivious to our eyes but still, exist in the world and will continue to exist if we continue our ignorance. Hence for years, it is the Media Houses (read as Capitalist Business Houses) which orchestrates the course of action in the business of economy, politics, education, development, health care, tourism, government policies, war, drugs, prostitution and every other business in the world. It is possible for them to make the world believe that a civil war is evil in Afghanistan in the name of Jihad (because Afghanistan is the buffer land which can logistically connect the Middle East to rest of Asia with Oil pipeline) and the same civil war is empowerment in Syria in the name of Syrian Democratic Forces (because Syria is the new destination for US Military Base in the Middle East as they have to be the gatekeeper for Oil for the world forever).

This opinion creation is based on a scientific technology called Semiology - The science behind studying and creating Meaning. UCLA (The University of California and Los Angels) was one of the institutions pioneered the socio-political perception creation under a secret doctrine initiated by the wartime President of USA, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This was the critical source code behind the emergency program of the United States of America as a Super Power in the world. In 1930s FDR realised 2 critical facts. 

A. The majority of Americans are uneducated, ignorant with low intellect. 

B. Unlike other countries, the USA is a continent by itself and growth will not be possible to unless every part of the land that is habitat is connected together. 

C. The only way for sustainable economic growth is possible only if the entire world is desperate to trade with the United States of America in spite of its lack of f resources as compared to Africa and India.

So he found 3 solutions which work in hand in hand.

Solution A: He created and empowered multiple universities in each province, states which have only one and one uncompromising mission. That is to specialize research and innovation in every discipline which will lead the nation as a superpower in the world. This will make the transformation of American lives a reality. The primary and secondary education ensures that every American child gets an equal and uninhibited opportunity to get into the university level or find a productive alternate career like sport, workforce or other. This is the reason why you will find the American school education works with Pull Factor of attracting students to education rather than the Push Factor that is prevalent in most Asian countries. Well at times they fail due to non-conducive family environment and other factors. The other key role done by this university is to create a perception archetype to the world as the USA is a superior nation. Hollywood, Cartoons, Comics, News, Radio, Television, Music and other information and entertainment avenues are the mediums. Remember except the movie Primary Colours which is based on Bill Clinton none of the Hollywood movies mocked any of the Presidents of USA. And Primary Colours was a strategy to establish that the USA stands for Justice. Till 2000 the image of an American is that of the Muscular, 6+ foot, intellectual, technologically advanced man. But in reality, most of them do not know to plug their microwave properly. If you doubt speak to your customer service BPO friends who have worked for the US market. They will have more hilarious stories.

Solution B: FDR connected all Cities, Counties, States, Villages with high speed-broad highways and transformed mobility and logistics through out the country. Mammoth dams were built and every water body was protected to conserve water and enhance irrigation. Flights were used for crop dusting. Agricultural produce was easily transported for swiftly to market. Giant bridges were built connecting every major city. Thereby the United States of America was building itself after the First World War while the world was ruining itself in the Second World War. Note, the Second World War happened in every part of the world except the United States of America (Leave Pearl Harbour which was merely a docking Yard, and again it is the perception which the media created that the USA suffered a great loss).

Solution C: Post World War 2 none of the countries in the world had the money or resources to rebuild its nation except USA. So they have to wait at the door of Big Brother the USA. The generous USA did help to rebuild the world and become the savage angel on one hidden condition. That is any international trade by the countries which is aided by the USA (i.e. almost every country in the world) and its colonies should trade only in US dollars. Hence any country in the world needs US dollar to buy any goods or services from any other country which is not even connected to the USA. This made it mandatory for any country to forcefully sell its good and serves to the USA at their terms to earn US Dollar. Please.note that the value of INR is 7.5 dollars in 1947 and you know the reality now because of this effect. Though the world has significantly developed economically the situation still prevails as President Richard Nixon made a treaty with GCC countries (which produces 80% of Oil to the world) that they should trade oil only against US Dollar in return of security, infrastructure development and trade benefits from the USA. If you study the rate fluctuation of US Dollar, OIl per Barrell and Gold Bullion Rates you will realise that all this is connected as the fluctuation are to balance the stability of the US Dollar. Hence the global demand and supply are generated and controlled by the same hand.

The reason this great story is illustrated because of none of the media including Wikipedia has not told this. Because Media is always orchestrated by Business Communities and they were benefiting by this system which was created by them. Now, think of a country which does not have terrorism origination from its land. Yes. It is in the USA. Because it is the world's largest producer of arms and ammunition. Till this factor remains unchanged Terrorism will exist in the world as the market for this US industry is developing and underdeveloped counties. Unfortunately, most of them are Islamic countries. But media will never speak about this as it is the largest industry of the USA which is financing other industries across the USA and the World. The power to Adolf Hitler has not come from him alone. He had a Minister of Propaganda called Paul Joseph Goebbels. The media in Germany and most of the countries under its regime was controlled by him. He made the world believe in Hitler until the Russian and US forces enter Berlin. Note, that the media in most communist countries like China and Russia are completely controlled by the state. Mr.Ramoji Rao of Eenadu is known as the King Maker and so does many Media House Chairman as they literally create the perception and architects people opinion which makes them decide their vote. The business communities pay the media and keep them in their control through advertising revenue and funding for expansion and sustainability cost. So please wake up. None of the media is here to tell you the news. None are there for the people. My boss, the CMO of one of the leading media housed enlightened me with the golden statement. 'The job of the media is to sell audience to the advertiser, news and entertainment are the means to do it'

But, CHANGE IS INEVITABLE. Of course, this need not be our fate. With the advent of social media, the people of the world can create a Media House that is FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE AND TO THE PEOPLE. It is difficult but not impossible. 

Step 1: Create a sound business and growth plan for the media which can work on the multi-information platform.

Step 2: Crowd Source Funding to cover start-up and sustaining cost. The stock will be further diluted for additional funding. Every funding member is entitled to free lifetime subscription. But the stock buying option will be limited per member.

Step 3: Use professional and citizen journalist to cover news across the globe in all domains. There will be crash courses and detailed courses available in the portal to become a citizen journalist without any investments. All these news will be up in the portal and importance will be given to the ones which have most engagement. The editorial board and chief editor will be elected by the subscriber. And the subscribers will also have an option to vote out the Chief Editor and Editorial board at any time when through Vote of Confidence.

Step 4: The channel will not have any advertisements and will be run purely of the revenue generated by subscription. Since the news is original and authentic organically viewership will be garnered. Also, the subscription charges can be less than or equal to the cost the customers pay to other news channels in DTH/Cable/OTT.

This is the recommended model but not the only solution. Any model which will result in us in achieving the purpose will bring us real FREEDOM. And the purpose is simple, MEDIA WITH ZERO ADS that is FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE AND TO THE PEOPLE! 

What is the need of the hour for democracy now?

...In the growing time of adversities and political anarchy which architects people's opinion what we need now?

Which is the critical need gap which has to be bridged first?

...Beyond revolutionary government policies, economic development and educational reforms what is crucial?

If you think deeper then you will discover the answer for these critical questions.


You need media with ZERO ADS!

I am sure this sounds crazy and irrelevant. But let's have an open mind to understand the blind spot in front of our eyes. For a moment let's not ignore this as an improbable idea and explore the possibility for its reasoning. 

Firstly we need to understand the context to uncover the staged myth around it. The world is not driven by the state and its government. This is the fact globally for nearly a century. 

Yes. This is how it is happening after the 1930 - Great Economic Depression when the New York Stock Market crashed. Does this puzzle you and present you with an out of context perspective? Travel along this thought to uncover the real story. To understand this you should explore this with the virtue of patience. 

Post World War 1 USA has become the dream destination for investment as it emerged victorious when Russia has fallen because of the Communist Revolution which changed the world forever. So all the elite businessmen and their communities, corporation, power holders, investors who owned 80% of world economy fleed to New York and poured in their investment in American Company shares. Of course, they thought the most powerful nation in the world will definitely yield a great return on their investment. They were oblivious to the fact that business will grow only if corporations sell more product and services and that is possible when you have a large marketplace. Unlike Great Britain or other European countries, the United States of America had only 15 colonies with a minuscule population under its regime. As an obvious fact, the American Corporates could not sell and create wealth for its shareholders so their stocks only had an inflated paper value and could not pay back even dividends to its shareholders. So all the investors were panicked and sold their shares within a week and the world economy collapsed (By the way history is going to repeat itself soon as it is the economic state of United States of America now).

During this crisis, a number of private media houses mushroomed silently. And they have been funded by the rich capitalist family businesses. Because there were some great minds who have mined the great insight that the Monarchy System has come to an end and the world will henceforth be ruled only by Perception Architects as the world will be ruled through democracy. In simple words, they are called Media Houses. 

Media Houses create people's opinions, the opinion generates votes which creates the government and government will have the power to control and govern business. And cleverly, the businessmen created these Media houses. So its a master plan of the capitalist to stay in control of the wealth. This phenomenon is oblivious to our eyes but still, exist in the world and will continue to exist if we continue our ignorance.

Hence for years, it is the Media Houses (read as Capitalist Business Houses) which orchestrates the course of action in the business of economy, politics, education, development, health care, tourism, government policies, war, drugs, prostitution and every other business in the world. It is possible for them to make the world believe that a civil war is evil in Afghanistan in the name of Jihad (because Afghanistan is the buffer land which can logistically connect the Middle East to rest of Asia with Oil pipeline) and the same civil war is empowerment in Syria in the name of Syrian Democratic Forces (because Syria is the new destination for US Military Base in the Middle East as they have to be the gatekeeper for Oil for the world forever).

This opinion creation is based on a scientific technology called Semiology - The science behind studying and creating Meaning. UCLA (The University of California and Los Angels) was one of the institutions pioneered the socio-political perception creation under a secret doctrine initiated by the wartime President of USA, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This was the critical source code behind the emergency program of the United States of America as a Super Power in the world. In 1930s FDR realised 2 critical facts. 

A. The majority of Americans are uneducated, ignorant with low intellect. 

B. Unlike other countries, the USA is a continent by itself and growth will not be possible to unless every part of the land that is habitat is connected together. 

C. The only way for sustainable economic growth is possible only if the entire world is desperate to trade with the United States of America in spite of its lack of f resources as compared to Africa and India.

So he found 3 solutions which work in hand in hand.

Solution A: He created and empowered multiple universities in each province, states which have only one and one uncompromised mission.

That is to specialise research and innovation in every discipline which will lead the nation as a superpower in the world. This will make the transformation of American lives a reality. The primary and secondary education ensures that every American child gets an equal and uninhibited opportunity to get into the university level or find a productive alternate career like sport, workforce or other. This is the reason why you will find the American school education works with Pull Factor of attracting students to education rather than the Push Factor that is prevalent in most Asian countries. Well at times they fail due to non-conducive family environment and other factors. 

The other key role done by this university is to create a perception archetype to the world as the USA is a superior nation. Hollywood, Cartoons, Comics, News, Radio, Television, Music and other information and entertainment avenues are the mediums. Remember except the movie Primary Colour which is based on Bill Clinton none of the Hollywood movies mocked any of the Presidents of USA. ANd Primary Colours was a strategy to establish that the USA stands for Justice. Till 2000 the image of an American is that of the MUscular, 6+ foot, intellectual, technologically advanced man. But in reality, most of them do not know to plug their microwave properly. If you doubt speak to your customer service BPO friends who have worked for the US market. They will have more hilarious stories.

Solution B: FDR connected all Cities, Counties, States, Villages with high speed-broad highways and transformed mobility and logistics through out the country. Mammoth dams were built and every water body was protected to conserve water and enhance irrigation. Flights were used for crop dusting. Agricultural produce was easily transported for swiftly to market. Giant bridges were built connecting every major city. Thereby the United States of America was building itself after the First World War while the world was ruining itself in the Second World War. Note, the Second World War happened in every part of the world except the United States of America (Leave Pearl Harbour which was merely a docking Yard, and again it is the perception which the media created that the USA suffered a great loss).

Solution C: Post World War 2 none of the countries in the world had the money or resources to rebuild its nation except USA. So they have to wait at the door of Big Brother the USA. The generous USA did help to rebuild the world and become the savage angel on one hidden condition. That is any international trade by the countries which is aided by the USA (i.e. almost every country in the world) and its colonies should trade only in US dollars. Hence any country in the world needs US dollar to buy any goods or services from any other country which is not even connected to the USA. This made it mandatory for any country to forcefully sell its good and serves to the USA at their terms to earn US Dollar. Please.note that the value of INR is 7.5 dollars in 1947 and you know the reality now because of this effect. Though the world has significantly developed economically the situation still prevails as President Richard Nixon made a treaty with GCC countries (which produces 80% of Oil to the world) that they should trade oil only against US Dollar in return of security, infrastructure development and trade benefits from the USA. If you study the rate fluctuation of US Dollar, OIl per Barrell and Gold Bullion Rates you will realise that all this is connected as the fluctuation are to balance the stability of the US Dollar. Hence the global demand and supply are generated and controlled by the same hand.

The reason this great story is illustrated because of none of the media including Wikipedia has not told this. Because Media is always orchestrated by Business Communities and they were benefiting by this system which was created by them. Now, think of a country which does not have terrorism origination from its land. Yes. It is in the USA. Because it is the world's largest producer of arms and ammunition. Till this factor remains unchanged Terrorism will exist in the world as the market for this US industry is developing and underdeveloped counties. Unfortunately, most of them are Islamic countries. But media will never speak about this as it is the largest industry of the USA which is financing other industries across the USA and the World.

The power to Adolf Hitler has not come from him alone. He had a Minister of Propaganda called Paul Joseph Goebbels. The media in Germany and most of the countries under its regime was controlled by him. He made the world believe in Hitler until the Russian and US forces enter Berlin. Note, that the media in most communist countries like China and Russia are completely controlled by the state. Mr.Ramoji Rao of Eenadu is known as the King Maker and so does many Media House Chairman as they literally create the perception and architects people opinion which makes them decide their vote. The business communities pay the media and keep them in ther control through advertising revenue and funding for expansion and sustainity cost. So please wake up. None of the media is here to tell you the news. None are there for the people. My boss, the CMO of one of the leading media housed enlightened me with the golden statement. 'The job of the media is to sell audience to the advertiser, news and entertainment are the means to do it'


Of course, this need not be our fate. With the advent of social media, the people of the world can create a Media House that is FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE AND TO THE PEOPLE. It is difficult but not impossible. 

Step 1: Create a sound business and growth plan for the media which can work on the multi-information platform.

Step 2: Crowd Source Funding to cover start-up and sustaining cost. The stock will be further diluted for additional funding. Every funding member is entitled to free lifetime subscription. But the stock buying option will be limited per member.

Step 3: Use professional and citizen journalist to cover news across the globe in all domains. There will be crash courses and detailed courses available in the portal to become a citizen journalist without any investments. All these news will be up in the portal and importance will be given to the ones which have most engagement. The editorial board and chief editor will be elected by the subscriber. And the subscribers will also have an option to vote out the Chief Editor and Editorial board at any time when through Vote of Confidence.

Step 4: The channel will not have any advertisements and will be run purely of the revenue generated by subscription. Since the news is original and authentic organically viewership will be garnered. Also, the subscription charges can be less than or equal to the cost the customers pay to other news channels in DTH/Cable/OTT.

This is the recommended model but not the only solution. Any model which will result in us in achieving the purpose will bring us real FREEDOM. And the purpose is simple, MEDIA WITH ZERO ADS that is FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE AND TO THE PEOPLE! 


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