The Zer0% Blog - Part 2 - Ownership
There are plenty of ways to see situations as a problem. Let's start with the person in the mirror.

The Zer0% Blog - Part 2 - Ownership

This blog has the title Zer0%. The reflecting we do on here, individually and as a collective will refer to that percentage regularly. Indeed it's a great place to begin in so many wonderful ways as you will see over the coming editions. With that in mind, let's start with the person in the mirror. Let's call them person Zer0.

Do the work they say. Open your mind. Get therapy. Join a talk group. Abstain from XYZ. Immerse yourself in icy water. All good advice in its own right, and places I will take this blog and pod in the future. As we go, we will discover things about ourselves as people and as business owners. But I'll take it really slow, and start right back here on Zer0%. With good old you and me.

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror. I'm asking him to change his ways. And no message could've been any clearer; if you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change".

Yes blog #2 and I'm already quoting controversial figures. The words themselves were written by Glen Ballard and Siedah Garrett so let's focus on their message.

1) Start with yourself

2) There is always room for change; positive change is called growth.

3) If you want your own world to be a better place around you, then you're going to have to grow that situation for yourself.

1) How do you get to grips with what it is about yourself that you'd like to change? How do we grow if we don't know where to begin? Personally, this is something that has come with effort, guidance and a dollop or two of pain. Many of the beliefs I held about who I am have clearly been false beliefs. Imprinted and repeated often enough to become know as the truth. Yet through self-study, tough conversations with the mirror, mentorship, coaching and therapy it has been revealed to me that the true self is made up of many interconnecting parts. Parts which need alignment. Even simpler, these parts need to know that one another exist! Take inner child work for example. The process can be damned painful, but that's the deal. To get to the parts that need fixing, you've got to dig through what is true and what is subterfuge of the mind. To grow, we have to heal. To heal there has to be a wound. The human mind does not enjoy wounds. So we must create artificial wounds to dig in there and find the growth. The moment I found connection with a lost part of my inner child was both glorious and downright humbling. I bolted on this lost part and look at that, the whole me had grown.

2) Now this statement is true but meant literally. Focus on the word room for me. The absence of something already being complete or full. That's the room we have for growth. It's never finite. But the achievement of growth is utterly down to one thing; yourself. If we choose to stay the same, the human evolutionary machine is very happy. No risks, no deviation which means no nasty surprises. We have brains wired to avoid risk and seek rewards. So you can see that being someone who wants their world outlook, mental well-being or just horizons to grow, you have to accept that you're going to have to do some pretty solid re-wiring to get there. Once you're on the journey of growth you'll see the fulness of your 'room' increase in so many different ways. And just when you think your flow state has you full to the brim with all that you have manifested... HELLO! A whole new levelling-up. A whole new room that's Zer0% full. Time for more growth!

3) I want you to answer this one. Do you agree that only by changing who you are can you change your world around you. I have a very clear thought process here, and that isn't conducive for growth! Being one mindset without having influence, challenge or difference of opinion is so limiting that it can be compared to growing a sunflower in a cellar.

So, my request to you today is this; can we truly change the world around us or are we victims of chance, fait and the will of others.

Comment below and I will personally reply to every single one.


