Zephyr RTOS Receives Support from Ambiq
Embedded Computing Design
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Ambiq is increasing its support for the Zephyr Project Real-Time Operating System (RTOS). The open-source Zephyr is now offered on the Apollo3 Family SoCs, Apollo4 Plus, Apollo4 Blue Plus, and the forthcoming Apollo510 MCU, for high-performing AI at the edge. ?
"We are excited to be part of the Zephyr ecosystem," said Fumihide Esaka , CEO of Ambiq. "Introducing Zephyr embedded developers to Ambiq’s low power solutions dramatically expands their toolkit for creating higher performing and more energy efficient edge devices.” Continue reading.
Join Us: IoT Device Security Conference
As much as we would like these security issues to go away, it’s really trending in the opposite direction—more systems are getting hacked, and the cost of a hack is skyrocketing. But that needn’t be the case if designers would implement the necessary steps to keep their systems safe (or at least, safer). At the Seventh Annual IoT Device Security Conference, we will dive into maintaining safety and security at each level of an IoT-connected device, from the sensor/MCU, all the way up to the Cloud and everything in between. Learn more and register.
Podcast: DevTalk with Rich and Vin: Maher Matta, President, Infineon Americas
Maher S Matta , the President of the Americas division of 英飞凌 agreed to join Rich and Vin on this podcast episode. The audience will likely relate to the route taken by Maher, as he came up through the engineering ranks, starting as a bench engineer.?As you might expect, there were some bumps and bruises along the way. If you subscribe to the theory that the proof is in the pudding, the evidence is clear—the reign under Maher is working. The company is thriving and is a leader in many of the spaces in which it competes. Hear what Maher had to say about his rise through the ranks. Tune in.
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