#Zensurance Newsletter: March 24, 2023

#Zensurance Newsletter: March 24, 2023

10 Safety Tips for Commercial Roofers

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Heads up! It’s roofing season!

Roofing is a dangerous business. Whether a commercial or residential building, no matter how tall that building is, there’s always a risk that a roofer could fall and be seriously injured or killed.?

With that in mind, here are 10 essential safety tips for roofing companies and their crews before setting foot on any roof to do the important work they do.

What Is Contractual Liability Insurance?

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When a small business owner or contractor inks a contract with a customer or another organization, they’re assuming responsibility for any claims for damage and loss that may arise. In essence, it puts the onus on you to pay the cost of a claim as per the terms of the contract you sign.

Contractual liability insurance is your financial backstop for dealing with third-party bodily injury or property damage liabilities you assume when signing a common business contract.?

Find out how it can protect your business.

Workers’ Compensation vs Employers’ Liability Insurance: What’s the Difference?

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Protecting your business from liabilities related to occupational injuries your employees suffer should be part of your ongoing risk management strategies.

You may wonder if employers’ liability insurance is the same as workers’ compensation insurance (a.k.a. workers’ comp). Technically, the answer is ‘no’. However, these two insurance types are designed to complement each other.

Here’s what you should know.

5 Common Cyber Liability Insurance Claims

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Unfortunately, cyber-attacks on small businesses have become increasingly common. It comes with the territory: the more we rely on technology to manage and conduct business, the greater the likelihood your company will be targeted by hackers.

Although the causes and types of attacks vary, here are five common cyber liability insurance claims businesses make.

Do Landlords Need Additional Insurance?

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Investing in rental properties can be a rewarding business venture for those with a knack for home maintenance and tenant management.

But being a landlord is a big responsibility. That means taking the time to fully understand the costs of being a landlord – both expected and unexpected.?

Find out what types of insurance you need as a landlord and what it covers and doesn’t cover.

6 Tips for Mitigating Work From Home Injuries and Employers’ Liability

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Although severe injuries to workers who occasionally or regularly work from home are rare, should one of your employees suffer an injury while working at home, employers can still be held liable for the costs.?

Whether you own a home-based business or are working from home for an employer, here are six useful tips to reduce chronic pain and injuries.



