Zenlist has more inventory of homes than Zillow or Redfin!
As an Accredited Buyer Representative, I have the experience and training to help you with your next home purchase. Whether it's a conventional sale, short sale or foreclosure, I will be your advocate from start to finish.
As a Certified Negotiation Expert, I have the experience and training to help you obtain the "best bang for your buck." Whether it's a better price, wining a multiple bid situation, added value or terms that help you achieve your goals, I will be your negotiator to secure the best possible deal.
As a former licensed Real Estate Appraiser, I have the training to accurately evaluate a property's true market value. Whether it's by sales comparison, cost to build, or the income approach, I will protect you from overspending or making an unwise investment. This will save you money long term.
With Zenlist, I have the tool to help you find your next home. More inventory means more homes that will fit your criteria that are not on the public market (MLS), but can help you find properties on the PLN (private listing network).
Give me a call today, and let's get started.
Steve McEwen | @properties "Founding Agent"
312-307-9470 | www.MakingChicagoMove.com
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