Zenity And How to use it ?
Zenity is simple yet useful tool in Linux by which we can make pop on-screen using various commands .
You can read the zenity manual by using
man zenity
the command in the terminal your screen will look something like the below picture !
We have to use the below syntax to use the zenity commands !
zenity --[Command]
How to pop out something on-screen using Zenity ???
We can do this using
zenity --info --text=<text>
What if we want to change the title of the pop-out ???
Now ,we will use the title command
zenity --info --title=<title_text>
How to take input ?
By using the
zenity --entry
Let's add title and info text to the pop out !
we are gonna use the --entry,--title, and --text command to do this
zenity --title="Title" \
--entry --text="Text is changed !"
With the help of the zenity we can create notifications we can use various commands to create beautiful popouts,notification we can change the colour of text and etc .
More useful commands from the
zenity --help
To know more about zenity just explore the zenity : )
zenity --info --text="Hope you like my work : )"