Zen and the art of strategic planning
How often do you find yourself coming up with interesting thoughts and creative ideas while alone and watching a sunset, or listening to great music, or running?
Creative connections and new thoughts emerge when we allow ourselves to relax, to daydream, and let our thoughts roam out of conscious control.
So how do you encourage the stillness that can unleash creativity during a group strategy session?
As a facilitator for group planning sessions, the pressure is always on to keep the energy up, keep the ideas flowing, people talking, and the process clearly signposted. Usually in my sessions, there are also cards, props, posters and whiteboard images adding visual noise to animated debate.
But finding moments of stillness and individual focus can be powerful in helping people to think, and express themselves, differently.
The challenge is in allowing opportunities for creative silence which add to the energy and purpose in the room.
Build energy and purpose in the room by using creative silence
1. Allow for silence or individual reflection in certain moments but plan them well. Don’t ever ask people to shut their eyes or think quietly straight after the lunchbreak – you will lose the energy and possibly gain a snoring soundtrack.
2. Don’t try to fill every vacuum with noise and activity but have some simple tasks that people also do individually before sharing their answers. For example:
- Give people time to think individually and then respond with a simple one-word answer to a question prompt.
- Ask questions differently using different stimuli. Visual or aural stimuli (eg a soundtrack of a particular era) can provoke deeper responses. My favourite starting phrases for individual reflections include “Imagine if …” and “Think back to when ….”.
3. Physical location can really help – if possible hold your session in a beautiful place, with natural light and somewhere to wander or gaze and think.
About the author:
Rosie Yeo is an experienced strategic adviser, working with Boards and Executive teams to facilitate and implement powerful, clear strategies.
As a presenter and workshop facilitator on strategy, innovation and leadership development, Rosie combines real-life examples, expert insights and creative thinking to offer pragmatic solutions to boardroom and executive challenges.