Zelensky's Victory Plan

Zelensky's Victory Plan

Zelensky's Victory Plan. What it is, what it means and whether it can be implemented:

It was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's unicameral parliament with the intention of informing the legislature and through it the Ukrainian people. The plan does not need the approval of the Rada as it is non-binding and not subject to legislative constraints.

It consists of 5 points with 3 secret annexes:

1. NATO. Invitation to join NATO.

- President Zelensky argues that this is the only way Russia will stop its aggression against Ukraine. In the absence of a military victory and total evacuation of the Russians from the illegally occupied Ukrainian territories, the arguments made by the Ukrainian President are valid. Russia will never stop its aggression against Ukraine without guarantees (not "assurances", the terminology used in the Budapest Memorandum) of security that would force Russia to stand down;

2. Defense. Increasing Ukraine's military defense capabilities. Here we have the first secret annex that was shared with key strategic partners.

- This practical point brings up the necessity of the development of the Ukrainian defense industry, the transfer of technology and know-how from partner countries. It is the critical point from the military perspective for the current moment of the war, because it is the point in the Plan where it is demanded to lift the limitations on long-range missiles, air defense systems and arming of brigades formed in the last year. President Zelensky's adviser Podolyak hinted that there is also a list of legitimate military targets on Russian territory for which Ukraine is seeking approval to strike;

3. Deterrence. Deployment by partners of non-nuclear, thus conventional, military weapons on Ukrainian territory. Here we have the second secret annex shared only with the following partners: the USA, the UK, France, Germany and Italy.

- This point, in contrast to point 2, which referred to the present situation, is one of the points which refers to the future, post-war situation. We are most likely discussing military packages that may contain strategic defense systems like Aegis Ashore and/or THAAD, Advanced Anti Radar, Anti Satellite Electronic Warfare capabilities. Such a NNSW (NonNuclear Strategic Weapons) list may contain, but is not limited to: medium and long range ballistic missiles (e.g. ATACMS, Tomahawk), anti-ship missiles or cluster or bunker buster bombs (e.g. JDAM), access or the possibility to contract Gen V, F-35, Gen IV Tankers, etc. All these air, land and naval capabilities and systems would convince Russia that any attempt to reignite the conflict would be met with a firm and tough response from Ukraine.

4. Economic Strategy. Ukraine is offering its mineral wealth to US and EU partners. At this point we have the last secret annex.

- As is well known, God, when he walked the Earth to share out resources, happened more than once to burst his bag of them, and in some parts of the world we find an abundance of all kinds of valuable resources. One of those places is Ukraine. Here we are talking about resource values which, when added up, far exceed the military budgets of all the countries on the planet for decades in a row: lithium, titanium, uranium, graphite, manganese, iron ore, gold, zinc, nickel, mercury, in addition to other extremely rare metals.

Under the plan, Ukraine is willing to offer US and EU companies partnerships on favorable terms to exploit these resources alongside local companies. An economic win-win-win, both for Western partners and for Ukraine, which is in dire need of foreign invested capital.

Basically, with this point, Ukraine is wooing its partners from an economic perspective, with an offer that is almost impossible to refuse;

5. Security exporter. As with point 4, we are talking about a post-war moment, where Ukraine offers to take the pressure off the shoulders of the US to protect NATO's eastern flank in Europe and replace American troops with Ukrainian troops.

- This is a point that I don't think will make many waves among NATO's eastern flank states, even if the Ukrainians are right when they say that the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU/ZSU) are the most experienced forces in the world in the fight against Russia. From a strategic perspective, NATO's eastern border states support the American presence on their territory because of the guarantees offered by the superpower that is the US Army and not (only) because of the experience or prestige of its military.

This point is an eminently political point, made to convince the Trumpiks that Zelensky is the one who wants to lift America's burden, or at least weaken it, by offering to lend a helping hand.


From my perspective, this Plan of Victory in the first place is not a Plan in the true sense of the word and does not follow the usual methodology to get into the meaning of Plan or alternatively, Strategy.

What it purports to be however, is equally important:

- To bring to the attention of the West that the war is not only not lost, but it is lost by common political will. We can see a glimmer of courage in Germany, where a potential chancellor candidate, CDU leader Friedrich Merz said "If I become chancellor, I will give Russia an ultimatum about hitting civilian strategic infrastructure targets. If this ultimatum is not complied with, I will offer Ukraine the Taurus missiles and advocate the lifting of all limitations on Western armament."

- This is an internal message to the Ukrainian population. Ukraine has been feeling war fatigue for some time now. Even if there is still a majority of the population that wants the war to continue and an even larger majority that supports the current administration and President Zelensky, the deterioration of morale among the population and the army is increasingly visible not only in the polls but also in the actions on the front line (desertions are on the rise).

This Plan comes to breathe new life into the ultimate goal "Victory", which translates into a just peace for Ukraine.

- It is a pre-emptive message to the West. An assurance in case the West disappoints, President Zelensky to have written arguments that can serve as his political excuse in case of a defeat for Ukraine. And since the West is used to disappointing for many reasons, be it Russian involvement in the elections and generating political destabilization, be it a sweet sleep of ignorance based on the habit that everything is "business as usual", be it weak or corrupt leaders, we can expect the West to disappoint Ukraine in the end. If that happens, President Zelensky has made sure that he will not (only) foot the political bill.

- It is ultimately a roadmap, which, if accepted by Western leaders, then yes, will lead to Victory (with a capital V) for Ukraine. Will it have support? In this form certainly not. Especially Point 1. But in a debated and improved form (from the West's perspective), it might gain traction. The USA is key here, along with Germany, France and Italy.

If you have made it this far with your reading, I can only thank you for your patience, I am glad to have such followers and readers, and I hope I have brought you some interesting information. I know you are expecting a Night Summary. That one will come in the coming days, depending also on how my daughter lets me concentrate and write, but I didn't want to miss the presentation of the Plan for Victory, an important informational, political and (I hope) military event.

Slava Ukraini!


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