Ze'ev Jabotinski - What was the future in 1938, what is the Future in 2024
9th Av 1938 “…it is already three years that I am calling upon you, Polish Jewry, who are the crown of world Jewry. I continue to warn you incessantly that a catastrophe is coming closer.
Chanukah 2023 / 5784. My son, has managed to fracture his nose again, (same thing last Chanukah!) so took him to the Doctor, Doctor gave a referral to go to Hospital.
Local Hospital Shaarie Tzedek in Jerusalem. checked in, saw a Doctor, small operation, everything done in and out in 3 hours. To me that's impressive, dramatically better than in UK!
OK, it was Rosh Hodesh Tevet and Chanukah, he was good boy so, I took him into town for a meal. There's no tourists in Israel, due to the situation, many Restaurants are struggling. It was 4.30 PM so before night eating time. So I went to Shim'on Ben Shatakh St, thought there would be restaurants open there, totally deserted, saw a restaurant not Kosher so not going there, next empty building, next my favourite pub restaurant used to be an Irish Pub now called Trumpeldor, closed. Then Zabotinski pub, open, guy sitting there, but empty, spoke to him said no food until 5PM. Ok, we left went for a walk found very nice Grill Bar but very expensive. So went back to Zabotinski. sat down, drinks 1 for the price of 2, eventually the chef comes, we order, it was actually a very nice meal, part was given to us for free as we had to wait, which was shocking but I was very pleased about!
Will definitely go to that restaurant again and recommend it!
I said to the waiters, do you know who Zabotinski was? They said this was his house in Jerusalem (that I did not know) there was plaque's on the wall and we we told books about Zabotinski. I then told them what i thought was amazing about Zabotinki, let me quote this:
Ze’ev Jabotinsky, Tisha B’Av 1938 pleaded with the Jews of Poland to save themselves from the certain death that Hitler was planning for them. In addition to seeing the horrible danger, he also foresaw the birth of the State of Israel.
“…it is already three years that I am calling upon you, Polish Jewry, who are the crown of world Jewry.
I continue to warn you incessantly that a catastrophe is coming closer.
I became grey and old in these years.
My heart bleeds, that you, dear brothers and sisters, do not see the volcano which will soon begin to spit its all-consuming lava.
I see that you are not seeing this because you are immersed and sunk in your daily worries.
Today, however, I demand from you trust. You were convinced already that my prognoses have already proven to be right. If you think differently, then drive me out of your midst! However, if you do believe me, then listen to me in this 12th hour:
In the name of God! Let anyone of you save himself as long as there is still time. And time there is very little…and what else I would like to say to you in this day of Tisha B’Av:
Zeev Jabotinski, was not a religious man, but he could see what was about to happen to Jews in Europe!!
To me in Jerusalem at the end of 2023, I very much believe we are in a not so dissimilar situation. We have the Ukraine War, the Gaza War, China and Taiwan.
But, It's much bigger! The US, Europe, NATO is sanctioning Russia, China, N. Korea and Iran. Turkey is with them. Iran / Qatar is funding / suppling Hamas, in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the situation in Syria. Then, Red Sea Yemen's Houthis, attaching international shipping. In short, WW3 could erupt any day!
The Jews / Israel is the scapegoat. Antisemitism though the roof worldwide! The Jew and Israel are inseparable!
The World is now changing very fast. No one knows what will happen even next! The One running the whole show is G-d himself.
Jews have been in Exile for last c. 2,000 years, that Exile has ended. G-d wants his Jews Home to Israel! G-d is not going on Mount Sinai and announce this. What G-d seems to be doing is putting in place, methodically Millions of pieces of a massive Jigsaw puzzle. As I have posted on Linked In, many times, the World is on the edge of the biggest Financial Crash in the history of this World.
G-d want's 2 things:
1) Man to understand that it is G-d who is running this world, to pray to him, thank him and respect him.
2) G-d's chosen people the Jews to return Home to Israel ASAP. The Exile has ended!
7.6 Million Jews are in Israel, G-d wants the rest of his Jews Home as soon as possible. The Mebubal that I have been following for the past 9+ years wrote, that Million of Jews from the US and Europe will be forced to come to Israel. This has been my thoughts for years! They will be coming with no more than they can carry and will need a place to live!
Translation (not great) from Rabbi Nir ben Artzi shlita 3rd December: "For fear of dying, they will come to Israel
"They are ready to come even in a tent
They will live in the Negev, anywhere as long as they live and do not are not murdered in France
They will leave their property, their houses, their cars, their jobs, their banks
And they will flee like prey afraid of being devoured
All the Jews in Europe and the United States will flee to Israel, running, flying !
They will come running while they live, and come to live in the land of Israel"
Jews outside of Israel need to be planning to Come Home to Israel, not in many years time, but ASAP. Massive things are happening, and more incredible unbelievable things will happen soon. What I believe Rabbi Nir ben Artzi shlita is saying is not going to happen years into the future, we are talking in the next days, weeks , months!
What we saw in Turkey a few days ago: A Turkish member of parliament collapsed on Tuesday with an apparent heart attack amid discussing godly punishments for the Israeli people.
Felicity (Saadet) Party Member Hasan Bitmez fell beside a podium while addressing the Grand Assembly of the Turkish National Assembly during a reported budgetary discussion. He is now dead.
The absolute minimum a Jew living outside of Israel should do, open a Bank Account in Israel, have money in Israel, buy a Home in Israel. I would suggest not a new development, as most of the building labour was Arab, they are not coming to work, but a 2nd hand home, already built.
If you want help please contact me, I have a number of good connections.
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