Zaytohl's Vision: The Zelding Are On the Move
Imagine growing up, listening to the tales. The tales are almost unbelievable, almost. You certainly believe them. And, so do most of those who are your age. But, some of the children, as they grow older stop believing. All of the oldest say that they believe. And, sometimes they work magic and do other impossible things. So, surely, they would know if those tales were true.
Now, you’re a little older. The other children have stopped believing. But, not you. You even practice doing things that you see the oldest people do, like becoming invisible. But, since you can’t see yourself when you are invisible, and since nobody else will play this game, how can you tell if you’ve really become invisible or not.
Then, one day, when you are practicing being invisible, you see the invisible Zeldings. Well, not them. Nobody can see the Zeldings. But, you see their treasure moving by itself. So, it must be the Zeldings who are moving it.
You’re so excited that you go and tell the oldest man in your village. Surely, he will believe you. Maybe he does. You can’t say for sure. But, nobody else does. Maybe, if you were very old, then, they would believe you. But, you’re just a young Cyatkwhoo (#Sasquatch / #BigFoot). You can’t take others to show them the Zeldings (or rather their treasure) because they have moved? on. And, you have no idea where they might be now. They also might have taken their treasure back underground.
The Zelding are moving and that must be a sign. The only way to figure out what that sign means is to follow the Zelding. But, you’re too young to follow them on your own, by yourself. What are you going to do?