Zaman University visits the Real Estate show 2
Zaman University Professor; Head of Departments: Architecture; Construction Management.
Saturday 7 October, the students of the Majors in Architecture and Architectural Engineering, have visited the excellent exhibition about Real Estate projects in Cambodia.
We have seen several projects developed by a multitude of Real Estate groups, asked questions about the rationale of their investment and how these criteria are reflected into the physical shape of a building through design.
Architects should always closely cooperate with the investors and at Zaman University we promote a culture of entrepreneurship and coordination among all the professionals involved in the Real Estate process.
Later on, we have visited the office of the organizers and had a quick talk with the director James Whitehead.
We thank James for his warm welcome and for having dedicated some time to discuss how students of Architecture and Architectural Engineering can benefit from the exposure to factual projects.
It is always a pleasure to talk to James and we never miss any of his informative articles about Real Estate in Cambodia, also published on LinkedIn.