Zali Steggall OAM MP will table the Act to parliament on Monday November 9th 2020.

Zali Steggall OAM MP will table the Act to parliament on Monday November 9th 2020.

The impacts of Climate Change represent the greatest threat to our national security, our economy, our health and our environment. But if we implement an effective plan now, we can create a safe and prosperous future for ourselves and our children.

Zali Steggall, OAM MP

The Climate Act is a proposed law to ensure the long-term safety, security and prosperity of Australia by achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050.

Zali Steggall OAM MP will table the Act to parliament on Monday November 9th 2020.

Next Monday 9 November is a big day - it's the day Zali Steggall, MP for Warringah, will put her Climate Change bill before parliament. The Bill is largely based on the UK Climate Change Act – a highly successful bipartisan policy that stands in stark contrast to Australia’s ongoing “climate wars.” Like the UK Act, her Climate Bill would focus on maximising investment in clean technologies and developing industries and assisting regional areas to adapt and transition away from fossil fuel-based jobs to cleaner jobs.

The Bill focuses on 4 key points :

· A Net Zero emissions target by 2050, getting there through emissions reduction plans and emissions budgets, and establish a process to review the Net Zero target every 5 years as things change

· Risk assessments and adaptation plans, so that the different parts of our continent and economy know the risks of climate change and can prepare for them

· Technology readiness assessment, so that we know the existing and emerging ways we can reduce emissions, with the least risk and cost

· An independent advisory commission (IAC), that can advise the Government, transparently and independently, on our national needs and plans

Please email your representative in your electorate to support the Climate Act.

My dear representative,

As one of your local constituents, I’m writing to urge you to support the Climate Change Bill Zali Steggall will introduce into parliament. In this time of crisis we are reminded we are one community not isolated from global events and their impact. It shows the need to plan ahead and prepare as best we can.

I believe that climate change is a real threat to our safety and a moral issue that the Australian Government must take steps to plan and prepare for. This is why I am calling on you as my MP to represent my views and those of our community in Canberra.

I support the proposed Climate Change legislation because I think it’s vital that we have a national framework that ensures Australia has:

· A detailed risk assessment to the challenges of a warming climate across all sectors

· National plans for adapting to those challenges

· National long-term plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions

· Transparent monitoring, reporting and accountability

This issue will affect how I vote in the next election. Thank you for listening to me and your electorate.

Yours sincerely,

Beata Stasak


