ZA+D's Diverse Expertise | Education | Charter Feasibility Study
Zavos Architecture+Design, LLC (ZA+D)
Redesign the Building Potential
ZA+D provided initial A/E services to help Frederick County school explore options for a new school building in a different location. ZA+D held several meetings with stakeholders and users of the school to pull a program list and understanding of the mission of this school. We formulized a survey for all staff to express their thoughts and ideas for the perfect new school, all of which influenced the final design.
Ultimately, the plan was used to discuss M/E/P design, site layout, and provide the school with a team to come up with a cost for their capital planning.
Planning to design a school is in part understanding how the day to day schedules will be run, how certain spaces may wish to be further or closer apart, but also listening to what may not be said. Architects often can glean the so-called 'soft program requirements' such as room to gather in certain hallways, exploring where teachers may need privacy outside of one central lounge space.
ZA+D ultimately completed a full feasibility study in 2021 that planned for a brand new 40,000 sf school, as well as for future additions. The study also included a full site design, structural analysis as well as MEP systems. ZA+D worked closely with the school to finalize their program to design an efficient, safe space that would continue to support the school for years to come. The construction team planned to use prefabricated concrete panels to standardize the classroom wings for cost savings.
Charter School Feasibility
Cost: $11.1 million | 40,170 SF (expansion of 7,500 SF) | Conceptual Design Only
Architect: Zavos Architecture+Design, LLC (ZA+D) | Structural: Tarantino Engineering Consultants, P.C. | MEP: CJL Engineering | Civil: HARRIS, SMARIGA & ASSOCIATES