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Probably one of the most common things that lead to a downward spiral and burnout in physical, mental and career performance is the fact that as soon as things get a tad ‘busy’ or ‘hectic’ with work or business...
The knee-jerk reaction is typically to blow nutrition, exercise and recovery out the window.
Why… “because of I’m just sooooooo busy with work, but ill start again when I get time” - Sighs a busy man.
Look I’m all for hard work, grinding, “hustling” 6-7 days per week… but if you’re firing on 2 cylinders, your output is going to be capped regardless and lead to more burnout.
Would you expect a Ferrari to perform well running on E10…?
Well no, it would run a lot slower if it doesn't blow up.
How you do one thing is NOT how you do everything…
But how you do one thing WILL affect how you do you everything.
High performance under pressure requires energy, focus, a positive state, self-awareness and alertness, all of which are a result of your inputs.
If a high performing athlete gets beat, he does not retreat and just grind out at his current level, he optimises all areas so his output is greater.
I look at high performers in career and business as athletes in the money/business world.
So at the end of the day, your output is a direct reflection of your inputs, and ill break it down for you into some truths here:
1) If you don’t eat you will eventually die…
hence why we feel hungry and eat at least 2-3x per day if you live in Australia and aren’t relying on Centrelink.
The quality and quantity of what goes in your gob daily will directly impact your energy, mental clarity and recovery, which impacts your capacity to perform at a high level.
Therefore! - Regardless of how busy you think you are, you are still going to eat, so learn how to eat well. (it's much simpler than you think).
And if you’re so busy, then you should be generating enough revenue to get fresh, real food/meals delivered to you which takes about 3 minutes to heat up and 5 minutes to eat.
(Say 10 mins tops per meal).
2) If you don’t sleep, you will eventually pass out from exhaustion…
Hence why we sleep daily. So you may as well make it a good one and get your 7.5 hours in at least.
You cannot out-smart shit sleep, you already know this. An athlete would not turn up to the track each day on 5 hours sleep and expect to win medals, nor should a high-performer in business expect to turn up and “Crush-It” (as Gary Vee would yell), each day on 5 hours sleep either.
Shit sleep = poor recovery = inability to adapt and overcome = stuck in a sinking rut
= Destination burn out
3) An unfit, weak, heavy body cannot lie to your brain.
Hence if you’re unfit, weak and overweight, your brain will know this and it will limit you accordingly… and when you try to push the boundaries, you will run into them hard and fast.
You wouldn’t drive a suzuki swift and expect it to perform like a Ferrari…
And if you do drive a Ferrari, chances are you going to drive it like a Ferrari (faster than a Suzuki right..)
All these factors go hand in hand… but how you do each one will affect the other.
The good news is, if you improve one, the others get better.
And the easiest thing to do is pick one and optimise it.
Tell me (in a comment below)
What’s really been holding you back?