Ysgol Y Foryd Achieves The Inclusive School Award

Ysgol Y Foryd Achieves The Inclusive School Award

Introducing Ysgol Y Foryd?

Ysgol Y Foryd is an infant school with a nursery provision in Kinmel Bay, Conwy in North Wales. There are currently 186 pupils on roll from Nursery to Year Two. The January 2019 Estyn visit recognised Ysgol Y Foryd as “excellent” in all five areas of the Estyn Framework: Standards, Wellbeing and Attitudes to Learning, Teaching and Learning Experiences, Care, Support and Guidance, and Leadership and Management.??

Welcoming, Positive Atmosphere?

There is a strong inclusive ethos at Ysgol Y Foryd. The motto and values are fully embedded and shape all aspects of school life. There is a welcoming, positive atmosphere when you visit the school. From the moment you arrive, you are welcomed warmly into the community. All staff, parents and carers, Governors, and pupils ‘buy in’ to the inclusive culture. Staff and pupils seem happy and interact positively with each other and any visitors. Classroom environments are purposeful, and the pupils are engaged in the learning.??

Dynamic Leadership?

The Headteacher is inspirational. Her calm demeanour determines the calm approach from all staff. She has a clear, ambitious vision for the school and is unwavering in achieving it. She places the children firmly at the centre of all decisions made. The staff are all aligned to her vision. Governors describe how the

“Headteacher lives the message with the staff role-modelling her inclusive approach.”??

Kind and Nurturing?

Staff describe themselves as “close-knit” and work collaboratively to support the children and their families. In all meetings, it was evident that the staff’s commitment to their roles extend beyond the classroom. The staff will exceed expectations to support their pupils. There is a collective responsibility amongst the staff to look after the children and give them the best experience possible. All adults who work in the school are kind and nurturing. This kind and inclusive ethos permeates all staff, regardless of role; all staff are valued and respected.?

Removing Barriers?

The Senior Leaders “pride [them]selves on being inclusive” and “value the unique contributions pupils of all backgrounds and abilities can bring to the classroom.” They “believe that every child, no matter what their individual needs or barriers to learning, has equal access to learning and the same opportunities to succeed.” They have a sound understanding that inclusion is not just about specific groups of children but about all children being included in all areas of the provision.??

Parental Support?

The support for families at Ysgol Y Foryd is exceptional. The Family Liaison Officer is highly impactful in her role. She supports and engages parents and carers, working closely with the Local Authority and external agencies, if necessary, to provide comprehensive wrap-around care.? She aims to affect long term improvements and change through the support she offers. The parents who met with me during the assessment day spoke positively of the support they have received over the years. During the IQM Assessment process, family engagement emerged as a key area of strength in the school.??

Enabling Success?

It is evident through the documentation completed by the school to support the IQM Assessment that the Leaders know their School well and are able to provide evidence to demonstrate their effectiveness. There is regular monitoring and evaluation of the provision to ensure it is continuously improving. Leaders have noted, similarly to most children nationally, that the pandemic has had a detrimental impact on pupils’ attendance and progress. Therefore, these are two priority areas for Leaders over the coming year in order to address the negative impact of Covid-19.??

Wellbeing is a Priority?

To support the increase in the numbers of children who struggle with their emotional and mental health, and the trauma experienced by so many pupils, the Headteacher decided to fund six members of staff to complete the Trauma Informed Diploma, which she describes as “life-changing.” Trauma-informed approaches inform school improvement decisions to create a cohesive nurturing environment.??

Holistic Provision?

Teachers describe the nurturing approach as “second nature to us; it is what we do every day.”? They recognise that children’s wellbeing needs ought to be met before they are ready to learn. Teachers explain how they “know the children and families inside out, their back story, family circumstances or any external agency involvement” which informs their planning. This holistic knowledge of the children aids the strong relationships teachers form with their classes.??

Positivity Enabling Accomplishment??

Positivity radiates throughout the school. Everyone spoken to during the assessment visit has a positive outlook. The staff, pupils and all stakeholders work very much “together” to find solutions to any issues they face. This sense of togetherness is a binding thread across all approaches.??

Find out more about the IQM Inclusive School Award?

If your school is interested in obtaining the IQM Inclusive School Award or you wish to talk to a member of the IQM team, please feel free to telephone: 028 7127 7857 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm) or email: [email protected] for further details.?


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