You've got to make the best happen?

You've got to make the best happen?

The stakes were high and time was running out fast. This wasn't a time for panic but for pulling together, refocusing, and checking the necessary emotions were intact before going back to give it one focused and mammoth effort to turn the tide. Superstars in the world of sport have developed the ability to sustain high level performance through provoking and directing their stressful emotions into powerful fuel. That fuel generates the passion needed to get the results they want. That concentration of energy is very effective in pushing towards our goals and objectives.

This is not only relevant in the world of sports but in any endeavour where we need a huge effort to generate chnage and make something happen for us.

How do we do this?

There's that buzzword again...mindset. But, it's true.

Learning to keep check of our emotions ensures that our fears and limiting beliefs are kept at bay with the shift in mindset needed to clear our heads and focus intently on the task. If you allow mistakes and vivid images of failure to take root on your mind those thoughts and beleifs will spill into your everyday performances.

Do your thoughts energize you or drain you?

What stops you going forward to put it all on the line?

Do you put a safety net in place in case you can't make it happen?

Great effort is not always defined in one gigantic push. High level performance is an accumulation of the small attention to all the details in the mental preparation phase of oncoming challenge. This is what is referred to as marginal gains, or the one percent difference.

Elite performers prioritise hours working on their mindsets and habits. They know that in order to get good results they need to be able to manage their emotional states and stay laser focused at crucial times. If you regularly feed your mind with self-doubt, irritation, anger and worry, you will be mentally drained before you ever set yourself to task. This is why we become overwhelmed with stuff piling up at work and developing long and unrealistic to do lists. We have emotionally let things get the better of us. Nothing saps your motivation and confidence quicker than accumulating pressure coupled with a destructive mindset.

I believe we can all tap into this focus with the proper mental preparation. To do that our mindset needs to be right on and off the field, in our business and our personal lives. We all have a powerful 'inner game' in us if we align our beliefs, emotions and purpose with what we do. Time can be in short supply, but that doesn't mean there is little we can do with the time we've got. Some of the greatest inspirational performances we have see throughout history have been final focused efforts that have been on fire with passion, persistence and the determination to succeed.

It's one thing to decide what you want, it's entirely another to make a commitment to do it. When you commit to a challenge and make a personal declaration powerful forces come into the play. Those forces are inside you. Most of us are not even aware of their existence. Commitment demands the power of decision and the emotional intensity to follow through in the right way.

You can let the future happen or you can make it happen. If you let it happen you will experience a bucketful of different emotions along the way. Many of them will be dificult to control because if you let things happen, you have little control. When you decide to make things happen you are carefully harnessing the qualities you need to have to get the very best from yourself.

Do your emotions prevent you from taking risk, or do they crush your beliefs and prevent you from taking a risk on your self?

You need to have faith in your ability to succeed if you are going to make the emotional investment to move forward.

Does your vision glow?

Does it make you grow?

Or does your mind drown the dream with what if's, but's and safe play?

The decision is yours. Whatever you decide, your subconscious mind will adopt your vision and direct your behaviour towards achieving that end.

Maxwell Muir

Maxwell Muir Empowerment Coaching

Email : [email protected]


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