YouTube videos: Linking people to a specific point in it instead of the beginning
? Milo Shapiro ?
Does your speaking get the results you want??? Public speaking coach Milo: Be "Prepared, Polished, & Powerful!" at meetings, sales, and events?? Fun interactive motivational keynote speeches ★ Improv-game team building!
Ever wished you could link people to a specific point in a YouTube video, perhaps in an email or FB post? Now you can! See this in action in the video below where you'll jump past the 15-second intro right to the first section called "Milo on The Power of Stories."
How did I do it? First, you need to know that there are two formats for YouTube video URLs and it's easy to tell which yours is.
· If I have the shorter link style (the one with "" in it) and I want to start the video 2 min 32 sec in, I'd add at the end: ?t=2m32s
· For the longer "" style link, to start the video 1 min 52 sec in,
I'd add at the end: &t=1m52s
Almost the same; it's just &" instead of "?" on the longer one.
So, for example, on my long-named YouTube video above
I added the extra eight characters, setting the link to:
Likewise, on my short-named YouTube video
I can take you 36 seconds in — past the part where we'd gotten about 20 audience suggestions for the improvised song and the singing starts just a few seconds later:
Easy, and a great way not to have to explain what part of a video you want the recipient to look at when sending an email or posting on Facebook!
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Milo Shapiro, motivational speaker public speaking coach