Youth Participation in Political Life
Dhouha Ayed
Representative of Youth Caucus AWLN Tunisia Chapter | Researcher in Common Law Master's Degree | UNWL - WPS PA | GSP 62ed Alumni (UNOG) | WTO Elsa Alumni
The idea of participation revolves around the concept that every citizen should have a role in shaping decisions that impact them. This encompasses both direct and indirect methods for people of all age groups to exert influence, whether as individuals, within networks and groups, or through diverse political structures. Extending this, the term "youth participation" refers to the active engagement of young individuals in decision-making processes and institutions that influence their surroundings and their personal lives within that context.
Incorporating young people into formal political processes (1) carries significance right from the outset. The energetic contributions of young individuals can breathe life into democratic values, resulting in the dismantling of authoritarian practices. In instances where youthful protests have ousted authoritarian regimes in certain nations, the exclusion of these young individuals from new formal decision-making mechanisms can lead to notable frustration. This has the potential to disrupt the democratization process and intensify conflicts.
On a different note, there exist diverse pathways through which adolescents can engage in political activities (2). In democratic setups, participation goes beyond just casting votes. Several indicators underscore the social responsibilities of youth. These indicators include possessing a comprehensive understanding of the political process, employing critical thinking, mastering information technology, engaging in media, displaying adept interaction and discussion skills, as well as participating in voluntary initiatives.
To establish truly representative political systems, the involvement of all sectors of society is imperative. When the younger generation is marginalized or detached from political proceedings, a considerable portion of the populace finds itself voiceless and powerless in influencing decisions that shape the lives of community members. This results in a critical repercussion: the erosion of the representational essence of political systems.
It holds paramount importance that young individuals actively partake in formal political processes, contributing to the shaping of both present and future political landscapes. Inclusive political engagement not only upholds a fundamental democratic and political right, but it also stands as a pivotal factor in nurturing stable, harmonious societies and designing policies that address the distinct needs of upcoming generations. To ensure adequate representation of the youth in political institutions, mechanisms, decision-making, and especially in electoral processes, they must be well-informed about their rights and equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to participate effectively across all tiers.
Conversely, the idea of participation often conjures up images of voting during elections. Although voting is a vital gauge of democratic life, it marks merely the initial phase of engagement. However, while contemporary democracies strive to boost youth participation, they grapple with the declining interest of young individuals in the act of voting, which can be seen as merely an introductory level of involvement. In research by Galson in 2004 titled "Civic Education and Political Participation," and Frisco, Muller, and Dodson's 2004 study titled "Participation in Voluntary Youth-Serving Associations and Early Adult Voting Behavior," which explored youth voting behavior in countries like the USA, Canada, and the United Kingdom, the conclusion was drawn that the voting rates among the youth are on the decline.
2. Varies Avenues for Youth Participation in Political Engagement:
Moving beyond the confines of official political and electoral mechanisms, there exists a range of avenues through which young individuals can actively engage in decision-making processes and institutions that shape their surroundings and influence their lives within that context. These avenues encompass structures that empower young people to offer insights and impact policy formulation, as well as frameworks that facilitate their understanding of policy-making procedures.
The findings from a study conducted by Balsano, Phelps, Theokas, J.V. Lerner, and R. M. Lerner in 2009 titled "Patterns Of Early Adolescents’ Participation in Youth Development Programs Having Positive Youth Development Goals" reveal that the enhancement of local and central youth programs' quality and an increase in young people's engagement with these programs can counteract the decline in participation rates. Successful youth programs are reported to equip participants with skills for fostering stronger relationships with adults, taking on responsibilities, acquiring new competencies, nurturing positive perceptions of others, and engaging in societal interactions.
The integration of communication and information technologies has not only added a new dimension to democracy but has also furnished young people with opportunities to become active citizens. The amplified utilization of novel participation methods by the youth is poised to exert a notably constructive influence on social interaction and active engagement. According to 2009 TurkStat (Turkish Statistical Institute) data, individuals under the age of 30 comprise 60.4% of the total population in Turkey.
Concurrently, the rate of internet usage escalated to 34% in 2009 (Millennium Development Goals Report Turkey, 2010: 61). While the youth demographic is sizable in Turkey, the advancement of the aforementioned participation avenues remains at an incipient stage, underscoring the considerable distance yet to be traversed in this realm.
The opportunities for youth to partake in political processes are considerably influenced by the political and cultural milieu. A democratic atmosphere is generally more conducive to fostering participation. The drive to amplify youth involvement should ideally aim to reach proportional levels vis-à-vis the broader population.
For instance, in Ukraine, a young activist rallied her community's young members to establish a youth-oriented radio station. Supported both by local government and USAID's DOBRE program, the station's objective is to heighten the participation of local residents and civil society entities in local governance decision-making. Moreover, it ensures the accountability of local officials through vigilant monitoring and oversight. The radio station's inaugural live broadcast took place in March 2018, serving as a platform for local voices, including those of young activists, to resonate. Through this platform, young individuals are enabled to partake in civic journalism and play an active role in community matters.
Within our globalized world, extensive assessments center around the involvement of young individuals in political activities, a characteristic unique to their age group. The significance of youth participation is rooted in their substantial representation within population demographics, as well as their prospective roles as future decision-makers. As such, they warrant elevated priority within every political framework. In conclusion, factors such as individual predisposition, cultural influences, and structural considerations play a pivotal role in shaping youth political participation. Meanwhile, aspects such as age, economic status, timing, location, and readiness intersect as determinants and limitations for their involvement.
Dhouha Ayed | Legal Researcher and Social Activist.