Be Yourself - LITERALLY!
Szebastian Onne G. S.
INTENTION Strategist for BRANDING. OUTREACH. AUTHORITY. Write on: Identity, Tech. Mental Health, DEI, Paws. Connector | Podcaster | Model-Actor | Ex-Homeless | Provoking CHANGE. ☆AU | UK | APAC
Clarity. Truth. Courage. Resilience.
The more honest I am to myself, the more clarity
I achieve in understanding my journey & purpose.
I Just AM!
I refuse to let my life be defined by what happens to me. I choose to define it by how I choose to respond to the events.
I refuse to be controlled by those in places of power and intend to make me their bitch. I choose to be driven by my own power and make the word BITCH a good thing, a phenomenally powerful thing.
I refuse to be silenced by manipulators, who want me to think, feel, act the way that suits their game plan. I chose to carry on with my purpose, despite and in spite of them.
I choose to live Unafraid. Unashamed. Unapologetic for being who I am.