Will Your's Be Standing Room Only?
Brian Williams
Retired from Financial Services and now FEMA Individual Assistance Cadre Reservist | Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors and Volunteer Homebuilder
Welcome back to the True Measure of Wealth!
Since our last edition, Have U Dreamed at the Joshua Tree,?bit.ly/400qCno, I hope you've all been safe, healthy and spending more time with family and friends vs looking at your phone, worrying about that next powerpoint presentation, grinding on that clever closing at your next client sales pitch, arguing about politics, race, gender, money or the whatever the latest headline of the day that crosses your world news feed of choice.
Regardless of your religious beliefs (or whether you believe at all), the Easter season always reminds me and makes me ponder the day that we will all eventually come to in life. The day the cars line up for each of us with their headlights on during the middle of the day. The day that our family and friends gather close to hug each other and cry, to pay their respects, and most importantly to laugh and remember all the special moments that they spent with us throughout our short time on this earth together.
Have you ever stopped and thought about what "your" day will look like? The day the world stops for those who loved you most make their way to a church, synagogue, mosque or temple to remember your life and how you touched each of them personally and celebrate the entirety of the mark you left on our world before your footprints on this earth stopped. Will your day be #standingroomonly?
The end of this month will mark two full years since I made the purposeful decision to stop "living life like a dollar or the clock on the wall don't own me". To spend less time counting my worth to this world by the number of people that worked for me, the number of deals I sold in a year, how many weeknights and weekends I spent away from family and friends on a plane or in a hotel working on the next deck chasing a big year end bonus, and finally most importantly to me, spending as much of my time possible in the service of those in this world who have less and need so much help!
I often think about my day. Maybe you think I'm a little weird, creepy or just plain crazy for spending even one second thinking about it. For those that follow The True Measure of Wealth, it was a song and its lyrics that brought fresh tears to my eyes this past weekend about my day to come somewhere down the road of life. For the country and western music fans out there, why is it that country songwriters always find a way to so poignantly pluck our heartstrings with their words on life, love, happiness, family and even death?
If you haven't heard Tim McGraw's Standing Room Only, here a few well placed lyrics to get you thinking about the mark you're personally making on our world and "stop judging your life by your possessions and start thinking bout how many headlights will be in your procession", seated in the pews and standing in the back of that place when your day comes.
Standing Room Only - by Tim McGraw [1]
I get so mad at things that don't matter way too much
I let the way back when's and my old friends scatter like they were dust
I get to chasin' that rainbow pot of gold right into the pourin' rain
With nothin' to show for it, standin' there soakin' wet
Lookin' up shakin' my fist as the thunder rolls
Now and then on nights like this I catch a thunderbolt
I wanna live a life, live a life
Like a dollar and the clock on the wall don't own me
Shine a light, shine a light
Like mama's front porch when I'm lost and lonely
Start forgivin' and start forgettin'
Be somebody that's worth rememberin'
Live a life so when I die
There's standing room only, standing room only
I wanna take my grudges and my old regrets, and let 'em go
I wanna learn how to say a lot more yes and a lot less no
Girl, I wanna dance and shout and love out loud, and come alive
Don't wanna be the guy too cool to laugh and too scared to cry
I wanna live a life, live a life
Like a dollar and the clock on the wall don't own me
Shine a light, shine a light
Like mama's front porch when I'm lost and lonely
Start forgivin' and start forgettin'
Be somebody that's worth rememberin'
Live a life so when I die
There's standing room only, standing room only
Stop judging my life by my possessions
Start thinking 'bout how many headlights will be in my procession'
And if you need some inspiration to stop, think and get inspired about the next set of footprints you'll commit to making our world a better place than it was yesterday, I encourage you to take 3:40 minutes bit.ly/3UkBrPb [2] and simply listen to Tim's words.
I promise if you do, you just might stop gauging your life so the dollars in your bank account and the clock ticking on the wall don't own you, and you start making footprints so when your day comes and the cars line up with their headlights on, your's will be indeed be standing room only!
If you've missed any of the True Measure of Wealth's previous editions, you can catch up at the bottom of this post.
Until our next set of footprints are made...
[1] - Standing Room Only by Tim McGraw - LyricFind
[2] - Standing Room Only Video by Tim McGraw - Universal Music Group and YouTube
Amen, brother!!... It doesn't take much to make a difference in this crazy world... Stories listened, hands lent, hearts touched... Perhaps Paul McCartney was on to something when he wrote "and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"... I suggest that equals might even be a gross understatement in that particular algorithm (but McCartney's verse just sounds better)... Thank you, Brian, for your facilitated self-calibrations on our personal "true north"...
Owner of SWFL Advanced Home Services
1 年No, I dont know that many people
IT Experts for your Charlotte area business
1 年Probably not here on earth, but I know that the saints in Heaven will be rejoicing that another has come home!