"You're welcome." - George Washington
Happy Wednesday. Welcome to The Chaos Coordinator: Fourth of July Edition. We are Brain Candy's snarky little sister, delivering carefully curated news happening across the industry (that you should probably care about) right to your inbox, with a hefty dose of irreverence.
In this issue, we dive into:?
What's happening in.....
Fire Safety?
Let's Use the Holiday to Avoid Burnout, Yes??
Ah, the Fourth of July – that special time of year when we celebrate our independence by setting things on fire. If you’re planning on joining the grand tradition of playing with flames, here are a few tongue-in-cheek reminders to keep you from burning down the neighborhood:
Celebrate responsibly, unless you enjoy explaining to the fire department why your backyard looks like a scorched battlefield. Let's leave those in the past, shall we???
10 Alternative Names for Hot Dogs, Ranked in Order from Least to Most Heinous??
The Hot Dog: a Fourth of July staple and a quintessential American delight. Americans devour 150 million hot dogs on July 4th. That's enough to stretch from D.C. to L.A. five times over. Who knew patriotic fervor tasted so... processed? Despite all this mainstay has done for the nation, in true American fashion, we just can't leave it alone. Why call a spade a spade when you can call it a "meat cylinder"? Brace yourself for a parade of linguistic atrocities that range from mildly cringe-worthy to I can't ever make eye contact with grandma again, because yes, we are ranking them.
Did You Know...
Believe it or not, Taylor Swift was not the first American to make it through a public break up with a Brit after many, long grueling years. The Founding Fathers can relate. While George, Tom, John and the crew don't have a 31-song double album to document their moving on and finding independence, they did leave behind some documents to help us put the pieces together later on. Here are some fun facts you may have forgotten:
Chaos Connections
Do you think you're up to date on what's happening in pop culture? Put your knowledge to the test and give Chaos Connections a whirl.