You're Weird. And That's Awesome.

You're Weird. And That's Awesome.

2020 is upon us!

How was your 2019? Was it everything you wanted and so much more? Or was it pretty much the same as 2018? 2017? 2016?

Are YOU pretty much the same? Are your RELATIONSHIPS pretty much the same? Or do you believe you are weird, and maybe just not supposed to be in a relationship?

If you are feeling stuck in a rut, remember, it's your life, you are the one digging it. Turn the digger off for a minute and survey the landscape. Look back and, if as far as you can see is "rut"; then what do you think your future is going to look like? Yep, you guessed it, more "rut."

Now, I am NOT going to say that, "It's time to make your 2020 goals and THIS year, you stick to them!" Because we know that never works. Just look back at that big ole line of rut.

No, before you do any more digging, you have to stop, turn off the machine, step out of the rut, and look around. Ask yourself, "Why the hell am I digging in the first place?"

If you just spent the holidays alone (again), or in an unfulfilling relationship that seems to be going nowhere; are you good with this being the sum total of your existence? I hope not.

YOU ARE SO MUCH MORE! And you deserve to be happy successful, and dare I say it, rich! Rich in life, rich in love, rich in happiness, rich in money, and rich on the INSIDE.

What is holding you back? Fear? Anger? Shame? Guilt? Insecurity? We all have some demon we do battle with on a regular basis. If you do not know what the REAL root cause of your unhappiness is; then how can you clear it and move forward?

This root cause, is the thing you have been bringing with you every year that has kept you firmly in the rut. It's not weirdness, it is the invisible steering mechanism of the digger that you have been driving all this time. And it is broken, my friend.

Now is the time, not to set far off goals to complete by the end of next year, 365 days away, but time to seek the here and now, look inward, and get acquainted with your weirdness. Own it. Activate it in a positive way, by seeing the Matrix - of how you make your decisions, and how those around you make theirs.

Once you understand why you and others react they way they do, you will see it is not actually "weird" any more, it simply is how you are made up. It is the "language" you speak.

And once you start to make decisions from a point of strength, knowing yourself on a deeper level, a shift happens. You will become more confident, and start to radiate outward in a different way. You "show up" as a higher version of yourself. Your relationships strengthen because YOU strengthen.

You can learn to speak other people's language. Even the weird ones...

This doesn't have to take 365 days, you can do it right now.

I invite you to learn more about yourself now, with my favorite tools:

  • A Neuro-Linguistic Programming test, to see how you process information.
  • Discover your B.A.N.K.?Personality Code, that shows your value based decision strategy.
  • Learn your 5 Love Languages, based on the book by Dr. Gary Chapman.

You can find links to all of these for FREE, on my site at:

These are my favorites, as they are fast, easy to understand, and they shed light upon how you show up in a relationship. Once you see yourself clearly, then you can view others with a more open eye and heart.

Embrace your weirdness, turn it into a strength, have fun, and attract a partner to enhance your life on many levels.

And that can most definitely make your 2020 The Year You Love!!!!


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