You're the voice
Craig Snell
Challenging People to Work Smarter for a better future; Every day is a school day
I wrote an article a couple of weeks ago, lauding the fact that "just the way it is" just doesn't really cut the mustard anymore. No longer can we say that we have to do it X way because that's the way its always been done. I also linked it to the wonderful Bruce Hornsby song. Well that prompted me to dig out my old vinyl records, and I had a compilation album called "Life In the Fast lane", It was a great album, and right next to good ol' Bruce was the wonderful John Farnham and his anthem "You're The Voice".
OK, "Stop" I hear you cry, this article is supposed to be in someway related to Training or Process etc. It is, so stop shouting at me please.
You're The Voice, as well as being a darned good song, is my way of trying to say don't suffer in silence. let's be honest with everyone here, whether you work at your local Gregg's, an Autodesk Solutions Provider (as I do) or Google or NASA, there is going to be something that you think is being done wrong, or could be done better. So what do you do about it. Say nothing and hope the Management fix it? I would imagine that is the majority of people's approach. Why is that ? being blunt, your management team probably don't know about it. They probably don't know there is a problem, or something that could be done more productive. So if you just sit there, complaining about it, what good does it actually do? Nothing, zip, nada.
Say something, but don't just say there is a problem, do your homework, and find potential answers before bringing it to the powers that be. This is where I bring this back to training, a lot of things can be done better, or more productive, but how will you know what to do? Obviously the answer is "ask the expert". If you work at a bakers, maybe you ask Paul Hollywood, if you work in design, ask your Autodesk Solutions Provider, If you work at NASA, sorry my only clue would be Tony Stark !!
@symetrieurope, everyday we deal with customers asking us, Can we make this better ? and 9 times out of 10 the answer is yes, these days with Autodesk Industry Collection's it also means that you don't normally have to purchase new software, you just need to learn what you have got, and how to use it properly, new technologies such as generative design are changing what we can do and make. Have you looked at it? Do you know what it can do? We can help you with the training, we can look at your processes to see if they could be more streamlined.
But this has to start somewhere, it has to do with a small voice saying "this isn't right, I'm going to see if I can do it better" So where does this come from?
You're The Voice.
Just in case you wanted to listen to the song here it is, spookily some of the lyrics to this sond actually prove exactly the point of this article
Remember : Everyday is a school day