If You're Unhappy In Your Career Or Business, Remember Your 10-Year-Old Self...
Dave Mendonca's Updated 100 Things Raptors Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die book

If You're Unhappy In Your Career Or Business, Remember Your 10-Year-Old Self...

What do you have now in your career or business that your 10-year-old self never could have predicted?

Well, for me, it was becoming an author of 4 books including my newly revised 100 Things Raptors (to be released in March 2020) creation that has quotes from a basketball podcast I used to co-host.

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There's NO WAY I could have forecasted myself writing books.

I was an overweight kid filled with low self-esteem who didn't even think of becoming an author, but here I am and it's just the beginning. :)

So, the next time you feel frustrated about not being where you want to be, think of that 10-year-old kid. 

He probably would have been so excited to find out what you've achieved in the future.

So, be patient. Stay focused. Work hard.

You'll find your success.

Until you do, just be grateful for your current achievements and enjoy the moment.

Great things are ahead for you!

#Books #Publishing #Sports #Entertainment


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