'If You're Not the Trusted Advisor - You're Just Another Commodity.'
Leigh Farnell
Sales Training, Business Growth, and Leadership Coaching to Drive Revenue and Performance.
3 Critical Factors to Make You a Trusted Advisor...
How many prospects and clients consider you and your team Trusted Advisors?
What strategies and training do you have in place to make sure you reach and maintain that position in the minds of your Ideal Prospects and Clients?
These 3 factors make up the all important Trust Equation.
1. CREDIBILITY - How are you consistently and strategically building the credibility of your team and your company?
The use of research, data, statistics, insights, opinions, comments, speaking at live events and on webinars and podcasts are all key tools and strategies to position yourself and your team with credibility.
Even something as simple as the receptionist telling the caller 'Bob is one of our most experienced Advisors..' can make all the difference in how the client and prospect relates and perceives the information or advice received from the Advisor.
2. RELIABILITY - How are you ensuring you are reliable then letting your prospects and clients know you are reliable?
Make sure you train your team to deliver on time and on their promises.
Punctuality is such a powerful tool in demonstrating reliability.
'I'll ring you back at 10.30am...'
and you ring back dead on 10.30am... makes all the difference.
Then there is actually delivering on your promises..
You know the old saying..
I recently bought a swimming wetsuit online from Wiggle.com, and that's exactly what they did..
They told me it would be here in 7 to 9 days.. and it was here in 5 days..
I was over the moon..
Built in Surprise.. Nice work.. Reliability Experience.. builds Customer Advocacy, Raving Fans and Stickiness = Lifetime Value.
3. INTIMACY - How close do you get to your clients business (both physically and personally)?
Staying in regular touch.
On the phone.
At networking and social events.
A simple 'touching base to see what projects you're working on..' or 'we were just talking about you..' call..
Then the 'here is a blog / newspaper article I thought would be useful for you..'
The CONSISTENCY FACTOR helps with that Intimacy Factor also.
BONUS TWO FACTORS you need to manage very closely.
4. SELF ORIENTATION (S.O)- How focused on your goals and outcomes are you and your team?
You and your team need to know you are in the business of generating revenue and winning business but this factor shouldn't be at the forefront.
This next factor should be a bigger number than the Self Orientation Factor.
5. PROSPECT ORIENTATION (P.O) - How focused on your prospects goals and outcomes are you and your team?
P.O needs to be greater than S.O when you in the face to face or on the phone with the prospective client.
Train your team to be in a P.O state of mind when they are in the Advisor/ Business Development phase.
In the P.O state you also need to train your team to know the importance of the fact that the Prospect doesn't know what they don't know.
That they are often making buying decisions on old or incomplete data sets. That you as the expert often have more insight and information and as the Trusted Advisor need to provide them with new paradigms, new insights, new pathways of thinking for them to realise that you are the Trusted Advisor to do business with.
To demonstrate to the Prospect you are in the P.O state you can open sentences with these P.O Openers..
'Many people don't realise.......... '
'You're probably thinking.....'
'Many people ask me....'
The Trust Equation and how to make sure you are more P.O than S.O in the Business Development Conversation make sure you enlighten yourself and your team to these strategies.
We teach, coach, train and consult these tools to business teams who want to grow using the Everyday Empowerment Institute Trusted Advisors SMART Growth Systems(tm).
This is just ONE of the tools and strategies in the Yellow - Pre Positioning and Planning Zone in the EEI 360 Degree End to End Colour Zone Selling System(tm).
If you're serious about Growing Your Small, Medium or Large business FASTER WITH LESS RISK... contact us and schedule a FREE Business Empowerment Discovery Call to find out how you can have your team as TRUSTED ADVISORS dominating your industry. CLICK HERE NOW..
Sales Training, Business Growth, and Leadership Coaching to Drive Revenue and Performance.
4 年Here is the webinar going into more detail on this Trust Equation - Trusted Advisor and Team Performance formula -- https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/_p9xme1D6bCpSk7zHOKyRHHVaXdJuXramwcHwlWoe_QpAdqMD7YpoBEXjtstPS8l.-XP_Y29C9Oakq2C2?startTime=1603241928000