You're in Trouble

You're in Trouble

??????????? When traveling down the road and you see a dead skunk off to the side, you know trouble is coming. It's not that new car smell. An offensive, sticky odor invades your car. As soon as you see the lifeless black and white, house cat-sized critter, you know trouble comes. As we journey down the road of life, we will encounter trouble. Trouble at work, in relationships, with neighbors, in our finances, house repairs or car repairs, floods, fires, storms, and many other ways. Trouble is expected, so we buy insurance. We plan for trouble and save money for trouble; we know it's coming like the pungent, offensive odor when we see a dead skunk.

In the Gospel of John chapter 14:1, the Bible gives us what is more than just good advice from a trusted friend. The Bible tells us, "Do not let your hearts be troubled." As an isolated sentence, this statement seems to be unrealistic. An odd, ironic perspective that's unfamiliar with the kind of deep trouble our hearts are confronted with on a regular basis.

The rest of the passage comes to the rescue. It provides a deeper look and a challenge. John 14:1-4 says, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me so that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going."

??????????? Does this mean believing in Jesus will keep trouble away? Not exactly, it does not say that you will not have trouble; it says, let not your heart be troubled. In other words, you do not have to face the trouble that finds you with a troubled heart. The opposites in this passage are living with a troubled heart versus believing in Jesus.

In looking at these opposites, the problem becomes apparent. A troubled heart can come from not believing in Jesus. Yet, the passage is addressing people who believe in God. Believers can have a weakness for letting their hearts embrace trouble. We like to worry. We can let our imaginations run with the issues we face and turn them into "keep me awake at night" issues. Jesus' followers do not have immunity from a troubled heart. Yet, as followers, Jesus has a solution.

The solution challenges believers to a new and improved experience of believing. As believers, we do not ever want to stop learning or growing. As we follow Jesus, we will find that we must give up some of our assumptions, expectations, or insights assigned to issues we face. In this way, we grow, and we believe more. To believe means more than just accepting information; it means choosing to follow Jesus' way of thinking with His help. So, we grow in what we believe.

??????????? The solution for a troubled heart involves accepting and acting upon Jesus' way of thinking about the future. Jesus taught us that our challenges on earth are temporary. He has a beautiful future planned for us. Heaven is real. We will not face the odorous troubles in heaven that we face on earth. The best is yet to come. We can believe in or, in other words, put into practice what He tells us. He is preparing a place for us in heaven and will return to get us. As we follow His definition of our future, our hearts can be encouraged instead of troubled.

??????????? With the selfishness that abounds, we will certainly have trouble as long as we live on this earth. However, Jesus can help us to not make our troubles worse. We can ease our hearts with the fact that He will return and end all the suffering and selfishness. Knowing our future with Jesus provides real relief from the troubles that can weigh down our hearts.

??????????? We will face challenges, disappointments, and heartbreak in this life. Unfortunately, that is what life includes on planet Earth. Jesus can give us something better, not a life free of trouble, but a life that knows the best is yet to come. Heaven is not full of troubles, and Jesus is busy preparing for our arrival. That is good news. Jesus prepares a place for us in His Father's house. It does not get any better than that!

??????????? Jesus can help us to believe. Not in a factual, non-halleluiah, sterile way. But to grow in what we believe and act upon what He provides. He can help us to have confidence in His Word. As believers, we can have troubled hearts. Yet, He can help us to live knowing that the best is yet to come. He can keep us from becoming a victim of our fears. He can help us to keep our hearts from multiplying the troubles we face. When we feel overwhelmed, disappointed, or frustrated, He can lead our hearts to consider the future He has for us.

??????????? The challenges you face in life are temporary. You can see past those troubles with Jesus' love and peace in your heart. With His help, you can believe that He is (right now) preparing a place for you. A nice place. A place you will enjoy. A place without trouble or worry. At the right time, He will come back to gather those who love Him and take them to live in His trouble-free, worry-free Heavenly kingdom.


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