You’re Not Too Small to Qualify for Employee Benefits
Stacey Aarssen
Employee Benefits Broker @ Benefits Redesigned | Business Relationship Management
You’re Not Too Small to Qualify for Employee Benefits
As a small business owner, you can have a benefits plan that’s right for you, your family, and your employees. If you own a profitable business in Canada, incorporated or not, you are eligible.
Here is an example of a small business owner who qualified for this plan:
A contractor with 2 Key Employees and Spouse has Benefits Plan
George is a contractor with 2 site managers. George’s spouse has a benefits plan through her work which covers 80% and has maximums on dental and drugs.
Instead of paying the difference with after-tax dollars, George sets up a Healthcare Spending Account with the Smart Benefits Plan through his business and sets an annual coverage amount by estimating the portion not covered by his spouse’s plan, such as orthodontia for their children plus the 20% of expenses not covered. His Smart Plan also includes emergency travel coverage and catastrophic drug coverage.
George also provides coverage for his 2 key employees as a retention tool by offering them an annual Healthcare Spending Account of $1,500, plus emergency travel coverage and catastrophic drug coverage.
Every dollar George pays into the plan is now a fully tax deductible business expense.
Here’s how it works as a Small Business Owner:
Receive 100% coverage with no limits and pay a fixed monthly contribution based on your estimated annual health and dental expenses. If your spouse has a benefits plan, this plan will pick up any portion or expense that is not paid by your spouse's plan.
And for Small Business Employees:
Give employees the flexibility they want with complete cost control for you with a Healthcare Spending Account. You'll never have to worry about your premiums increasing due to excessive claims.
If you would love to chat further, please reach out, I am here to help guide you.