If you're not sold out, stop selling
Carmen LaBerge
Host Faith Radio's "The Reconnect with Carmen LaBerge" at the University of Northwestern St Paul | Author | Speaker | Christian Worldview | Apologetics | Lausanne 4
If you're going to sell anyone on anything you have to be sold out. Not a sell out, but sold out to the idea or ideology you're seeking to advance in the very competitive world of ideas.
I only know one billionaire and I was sitting in his office with the hope that he shared a passion for the ministry in which I was seeking development funding. He was not, but he did say at one point in the meeting, "Carmen, you a good pitcher. You really should be selling something." Without hesitation I responded, "Bob, I am selling something. I'm selling people on the idea that God is real and He is interested in being in an eternal and moment by moment relationship with every person. I'm selling the good news. I'm selling light to people in darkness and life to people who are dying. What could be more valuable, more essential or more important." He smiled. He wasn't buying-in at the level of support I thought we really needed, but he offer one important affirmation: "Well, you've got one thing going for you: you're sold out."
While its counter-intuitive it's also true that you cannot be successful in sales (or evangelism or education or as an agent of justice or ____________) if you're not sold on the idea or product line or system you're selling. But no one wants to be seen as a sell-out and yet, we are all selling something.
Whenever a salesperson starts by telling me they're not trying to sell me something, I furrow my brow, look directly in the eye, and with the kind of authority and tenderness a mother would use I say, "If you're not selling something then why on earth would anyone buy anything from you?" Then I wait for an answer. Having interrupted their pre-planned pitch, I am patient for the wheels to turn in their mind. I want them to think about what they just said. Sometimes they simply turn toward other targets and sometimes they pause long enough to seriously consider their approach.
I know what I'm selling. I know the truth of the Gospel and I want other people to know Him as well. I know the freedom of being set free and I want other people to be liberated from the bondage of sin and death. I know the joy of salvation and I want other people to know - and live in - that same joy. I know the secret of being content no matter the circumstances of this life and I know the mystery of living in a unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace. I know I'm selling something that people desperately need even if they don't know they need it. Others are selling what I'm selling but they are not my competitors. Together we intend to have 100% market saturation on behalf of the One for whom we are advocates, ambassadors, servants and co-heirs. What I'm selling may have competitors in the marketplace of ideas but He has no competitors when it comes to the Truth of life.
I'm sold-out to what I'm selling, are you? If not, why would anyone buy what you're selling?