You're Responsible
It’s so important to give your whole being (your body, mind, and spirit) the time and space it needs to rest and heal.
I think we all know what happens when we’re burning both ends of the wick, and we don’t make time to slow down. We get tired, edgy, cranky, and eventually we crash. Don’t we?
What if I told you that you can create your own sanctuary? A place full of calm. It’s a place full of happiness. It can be whatever type of place you want it to be. Your own sanctuary.
Here’s the neat thing, we each get to create and define where we live, how we live, and what energy we live in.
What frequency are you tuning into?
So that bring up this questions, what energy are you creating in your own space?
Are you fostering an energy of fear, doubt, worry, or of scarcity? Or are you creating a space and place of peace, calm, excitement, joy, and happiness? Whatever emotions and energy are pleasing to YOU.
After all, we each have dominion over all things. That means, over our attitude, over our behavior, over our thoughts, over our actions, over our emotions, over our energy…over all of it! We have dominion over ALL things!
The bad news is; you have created everything in your life up until now – so if you don’t like it… guess what? You’re responsible.
The GOOD news is, you have created everything in your life up until now, and from this moment forward you can change it. Just like you can change the radio frequency that you dial into with just the turn of a knob, so you too can change the energy frequency of your own life… just like THAT!
You can stop acting like a victim, and start behaving like the empowered, blessed, fully resourced human being that you are.
I will admit, it’s easier said than done. It’s simple to do, but it’s not always easy. But then again, most things in life worth having usually are this way.
You can do it. I believe in you! I believe in your dream!!
Be blessed,
Chris Chandler