You're Paid To Think
That's me holding the Rubik's Cubes, bending his brain.

You're Paid To Think

I don’t know what your “real job” is, nor do I know what tasks you complete on a day-to-day basis, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that you’re paid to think.

The person who was in charge of hiring you may not be able to explain it, but they were hiring you based on their answers to these questions:

  1. Do I think they’ll need me to hold their hand for everything?
  2. Will I need to constantly explain the same things again & again?
  3. When they meet a challenge, are they going to figure it out, or come to me to tell them what to do?
  4. Is this someone who will need relentless supervision & guidance?

They might never say it out loud, but these are the questions that matter.

And the fact that you got hired to do your job means that person thinks of you as someone who is going to think for themselves & use their mind to find solutions to problems that your boss will never hear about.

It’s this reality that makes me so enthusiastic about mindset work.

It’s the single greatest way you can spend your time.

Improving the way you think about thinking can help you at work, at your business, in consulting, in relationships, in your inner life, and everywhere else you can imagine there might be a person involved.

That’s why I put together a video course a couple years ago. It’s designed to complement my book “[think] Like A Mind Reader” and it is guaranteed to turn your mind inside out & show you completely new ways of seeing the world, relationships, and opportunities or your money back.

(Did I mention it’s free?)

It’s available at the Academy of Applied Mentalism, and I’d love to hear how it helps you out once you’ve completed it.

Looking forward to that conversation.

Best thoughts, ~Jonathan “what box” Pritchard

Take The Course

?? Jonathan Pritchard is a mentalist-turned-consultant & the founder of ZAVANT enterprises, Institute of Applied Mentalism, & ROI Trade Shows.

Each project helps clients have more successful businesses through the power of better communication skills. He’s also the author of several books focused on the power of applied psychology, memory, and motivation.

Connect with him on Twitter and YouTube for more behind-the-scenes stories from the road & boardrooms across the world.


