You're Never too Busy Tito be Kind

You're Never too Busy Tito be Kind

As educators and working professionals, it’s easy to focus on the job that needs to be accomplished and lose sight of the valuable lessons that can be learned (and taught) that aren’t necessarily related to the tasks at hand.

Take me, for example. As an adjunct professor and a business owner, I have to remind myself to slow down and be available to teach lessons based on my curriculum and teach life lessons, AKA, the teachable moments that will help my students flourish in every area of their lives.

Recently, a student came to me to discuss his grade on an assignment. He fumbled around in his pocket as he stood at my desk, looking for his phone. He then pulls out his phone and nervously scrolls, taps, and swipes on the screen.

His behavior puzzled me, so I asked, “what are you looking for on your phone?”

“The email I typed out to you,” he replied.

“I’m confused. I thought we were going to discuss your grade?” I said.

“Yes, but I want to read this to you and not say it out loud,” he stated.

As a teacher and a reasonably decent communicator, it pains me to see a student have more faith in a pre-written document than his ability to speak his truth. I told him that he knew what prompted him to take this meeting with me and to put his phone down and speak from his heart. I encouraged him to trust himself and let his words flow. He agreed, and we had a great conversation.

Now, he did not get the grade change he petitioned for, but he did receive truth and encouragement that can build his self-confidence, which, I believe, can change his life way more than a few extra points on an assignment could ever do.

The moral of the story? Be kind to others and make time to help them with the things they want as well as the things they need. You never know the difference it will make.


