You're My Hero with A Customer Review
Yes. The photo is real. You can see how many hard copies of How to Fail Miserably I proofed before my editor got a draft. And there were three to four more changes because of conscientious writer friends. The Kindle version is .99 through December 15th, and the paperback will drop to 7.99 next week for the official launch on December 10th. The link to purchase is at
I'd be forever grateful for your help. I need customer reviews to be posted on Amazon. You don’t even need to buy the book -- email me [email protected]?or message me on LinkedIn, and I will send you a .pdf. That said, customer reviews are weighted more heavily by Amazon if they are a verified purchase—the link to providing a review is at
Until then, thank you, and there’s inspiring content coming! Please stay tuned for my video featuring business plans and why you get out the popcorn after a few years of doing those.