If You’re a Mom, This Newsletter Is for You!
Are You a Mom? Here's Everything You Need to Know

If You’re a Mom, This Newsletter Is for You!

This week's newsletter dives deep into the world of motherhood, exploring the joys, challenges, and everything in between. From the pressure of mom-shaming on social media to the guilt that often comes with the territory.

But don't worry, it's not all struggle! We'll also explore the rise of mom influencers on Instagram, offering tips on how to navigate their advice. Plus, we'll delve into different parenting styles, from the ever-present "helicopter mom" to the more recent term, "almond mom."

Whether you're a seasoned pro or a new mom navigating motherhood, there's something for everyone in this week's issue.

Mom Shaming

Mom shaming is the pressure mothers feel from others to raise their children in a certain way. Social media can make moms feel like they are not doing a good job raising their children. But it's important to remember that there is no one right way to raise a child. And it's okay for parents to make mistakes. If you’re looking for ways to deal with mom shaming or if you want some tips on how technology can aid in raising children, make sure to check out this blog: www.safes.so/blogs/mom-shaming/

The Role of Technology in Parenting
Mom Guilt

Mom Guilt

Mom guilt is a feeling many mothers experience. Mom guilt is common, and it can cause mothers to feel bad about themselves. Moms can feel guilty because of what society expects of them and because of social media. But there are ways to manage mom guilt, like being nice to yourself, having realistic goals, and getting help from others. The most important thing is to accept yourself and enjoy being a mom!

Want to read more about mom guilt? Click here: https://www.safes.so/blogs/mom-guilt/

Influencer Moms on Instagram

Have you heard of mom influencers on Instagram? They are moms who share advice, experiences, and stories about raising children. This can be a great way to get ideas and feel connected with other parents. But it's important to remember that not all advice online is created equal. Some influencers may not be experts, and their posts might not reflect reality. So, while mom influencers can be a helpful resource, be sure to do your own research and talk to professionals for reliable parenting advice.

Interested in learning more about influencer moms? Check out this blog: https://www.safes.so/blogs/mom-influencers-on-instagram/

Helicopter Moms

There are many types of parents; one common type is helicopter parents. These are moms (or dads!) who are super involved in their children's lives. They might help them with everything from homework to making friends. While it comes from a good place, wanting what's best for their kids, being too involved can be not so great. Kids need to make mistakes sometimes, that's how they learn and grow. If a parent is always there to fix everything, the child never gets a chance to learn from their mistakes. Parents should give their kids a little more space and let them try things on their own, even if it means they mess up sometimes.

Read the blog to figure out if you’re a helicopter mom: https://www.safes.so/blogs/helicopter-moms/

Almond Moms
Almond Moms

Almond Moms

Have you ever heard of the term "almond mom"? This is used to describe parents who are super focused on their children's appearance and restrict what they eat. While it might seem like they're trying to help their kids be healthy, this can lead to problems like anxiety, social isolation, and unhealthy relationships with food. Instead of focusing on diet culture, parents should focus on raising happy and well-adjusted kids. This means building their confidence and creating a supportive home environment.

Read more about almond moms: https://www.safes.so/blogs/almond-mom/


Being a mom is a wild ride. This week's newsletter explored the pressures of social media to different parenting styles. It’s important to remember that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to motherhood. Embrace the journey, forgive yourself for the stumbles, and celebrate the victories (big and small!). Subscribe to our newsletter for next week’s issue about parenting styles!


