You're missing 97% of your market
Shane Guna
I help physio clinic owners create purpose-driven practices | Physio Business Coach | Profits Course (see "Featured") |
The website conversion rate for most service-based businesses sits around 2 to 5%
That typically means, 97% of patients who hit your website are dropping off, BEFORE booking an appointment!
To put that in nominal terms imagine this:
Today, you had 9 bookings come through your website!
Sounds pretty good right?
But what if I told you that you had 300 visitors to your website?
All of a sudden those 9 bookings don't sound so brilliant...
That's a 3% conversion rate / 97% drop off rate in practice.
And I guarantee it's affecting your business too.
Here's 3 of the most common reasons why patients drop off.
1. Website fails, crashes or doesn't work as planned (this is ridiculously common!)
Just the other day, I messaged a practice owner to let her know one of her book now buttons wasn't actually working.
It was literally the most prominent button, the go-to spot, smack bang in the middle of the front page.
That's like having no front door to your house man... seriously!
I couldn't believe it.
If it were me, I'd have been tearing my hair out.
2. Practitioners are not available
This is quite possibly the most frustrating one.
People go online, look at your availability.
And they can't get in.
OR their preferrer practitioner is fully booked!!
And they think, ok, I'll check back in a few days... never to be seen again.
3. They have questions OR need help
So... they call your clinic.
But can they find your number - is it in a prominent position?
Again, so common - how many times do you see this happen when you're booking a doctors visit OR even trying to get take-away.
It's UN-believeable.
OR perhaps worse, they find your number, call your clinic and...
You've heard the phones ringing before whilst in with your patients, you know how frustrating this can be!
All that work on marketing.
All that advertising spend.
And this happens.
Surely, there's more we can do to engage conversions....
Well thankfully, we can flip these around easily by following the steps in this simple guide.
Create Diverse Physio Practices,
Shane Guna
Physio Business Coach | Founder Gun Physio Academy