You're not lazy. You've blown your brain budget.

You're not lazy. You've blown your brain budget.

If you want to achieve your goals, focus is a key ingredient. But is focus a matter of willpower, or a time-management issue?

The truth is willpower and time management both play a part, but neither is the full story.

We want to introduce you to a different approach to focus, and your mental state in general. It’s all about making the most of your limited brain budget.

What's a brain budget?

Think of your?brain like a business?with a limited amount of energy to distribute around your body, in the same way that a business has a limited budget that needs to be spent efficiently.

Your brain needs resources to invest in tasks that require focus like being creative or learning something new. If these resources are depleted, having been used up elsewhere, it doesn’t matter how hard you try, you just won’t have the budget to get focused.

4 ways to boost your brain budget

Before you get frustrated because you’re struggling to pick up a new skill, consider whether or not you’re giving yourself a fighting chance.

There’s no getting around the fact that consistent sleep and quality nutrition are two of the best tools you have for keeping your body budget in check. But what else can you do to give your body the surplus it needs to power your focus time?

1. Embrace silence

News 24 hours a day, traffic noise, screens from dawn until dusk...the modern world is a buffet of stimuli your brain has to assess and respond to. That constant shifting of attention (yep, even just scrolling social media on the couch) eats into your precious brain budget.

Building regenerative quiet time into your day, or at least into your week, is a great way to give your brain an energy boost.

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Combine your quiet time with a nature walk for extra brain-boosting goodness.

2. Become a creature of habit

Remember – allostasis is all about anticipating what your body needs to function well, so it makes sense that a routine will give you more energy when you need it most. Aim to go to bed and wake up at similar times each day, and fuel yourself with regular meals.

Life is unpredictable enough. Having a routine 80 percent of the time will ensure you have the energy reserves needed to be agile when it matters.

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Schedule your weeks for a brain budget that overflows.

3. Some news is good news

It doesn’t matter if it’s happening next door or across the world – your brain can interpret bad news as bad news for you. Then it starts spending vital energy prepping you for a disaster that you don’t actually have to deal with.

Staying informed is great, but try to limit your exposure to news sources that make you feel overly anxious, and aim to get your information at roughly the same time every day – preferably not before you need to do something that requires your full attention.

4. Spend energy to make energy

Think of working out as an investment in your future energy levels. While you might feel too tired to work out, extensive research has proven that?regular exercise will boost energy?and reduce fatigue.

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Did you know brain volume increases after around 6 months of consistent exercise?

Want more brain food? Snack on these:



