You're Not Lazy, You Just Lack Purpose

You're Not Lazy, You Just Lack Purpose

"Laziness Does Not Exist"

Ever heard the saying "People are not lazy, they simply have impotent goals, that is, goals that don't inspire them?" ~Tony Robbins. The author of this proverb was right.

Trust me when I tell you you are not lazy, you simply don't have a purpose. You don't have a "why" you should get out of bed. You don't know why you should quickly take a shower, dress up, leave your house and go make serious grinds. You have no idea of the next thing to do once you're out of the house. You don't have a to do list. Your day feels disorganized. Ultimately, you feel miserable, and snooze that alarm then roll back into your blanket for the next one hour. How horrifying.

However, you don't have to live this way forever. You can change. You can define your purpose. And no, it doesn't have to be something you're passionate about. Don't worry, you'll find it along the way as you go along. You simply need to start somewhere. Start doing something. Start writing something. Start going somewhere. That's how you begin defining your purpose.

Start with Small Habits

Start with simple steps. Wake up and get out of bed immediately you hear your alarm. Try not to snooze and go back for a "5 more minute sleep", you may end up waking up 30 minutes later!

Once you get up, set your body in motion. Do something. This will increase your alertness levels. Go brush your teeth, wash your face with cold-freezing water, do a minor jog, walk around the house, anything to get your mind out of the sleep state.

Drink a Cup of Water

This should be the first "food" to take in the morning. Not getting into your fridge and grabbing the readily available chocolate. Hydrating your body in the morning will boost brain function. This is because as you take water, you flush out any toxins accumulated in your body.


Now try and find some peace and quiet, and begin visualizing how you'd want your day to be. Filling your mind with positive thoughts has a massive impact on your day. This habit will also keep your mind focused on every task you'll intend to execute throughout the day.


Write something down. On a notebook, in your iPad, journal, diary, etc, just get something to jot down what is in your mind. This will help you tap into your brain's creativity which is peak in the morning hours. It also helps you create ideas of what you want to do, how to execute them and areas to improve. Writing also helps you think and speak more clearly throughout your day.


This is the superpower of the day. Put some weight on that muscle, get some sweat on your body, pump up your blood vessels and increase your oxygen levels in the bloodstream. This is the real deal. Exercise is what boosts your overall brain function. It helps in reducing anxiety and depression levels and increases your metabolic levels. This is what gives you power to face your day like superman!

Jump Into a Cold Shower if you can!

One of the best things you can do after a light or intense workout is jumping into the cold shower. This will keep your heartrate high and thus maintain the already powered-up blood circulation. You'll be fully alert after this. You won't think of going back to bed. You'll feel more than ready to face your day.

Read Something

Once you're settled, squeeze out time to read something, even for only 5 minutes. This will get your brain muscle working. Ideas will start flooding from your mind as you read. Write them down. This is also the best time to tap into your creativity. Don't waste it!


Face your day fully charged and empowered. As time goes by, your mind will be rewired to start defining short-term and long term goals. You'll then be able to clearly define your purpose and ruthlessly pursue it.

Bottom Line

If you've noted, the tasks mentioned above are a defined morning routine. Most successful people always follow such routines as they know how they begin their day determines their long-term success.

Staying consistent in executing these tasks in the morning will pay off in the long run. Try not focusing on the results as you'll feel thrilled and excited by the effects. Believe it or not, a time may come when the consistency of maintaining these routines will feel boring. That's where you'll need to step up your discipline. As you push through this phase, the routines will become a part of you. You'll then notice the compounding effect of those small habits which will in turn define your purpose.


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