The argument of whether applications of artificial intelligence (AI) could be something we should be worried about comes from two different places. One the one hand, one may see AI as one of the most fundamental transformative technologies that we have ever seen in the history of mankind, and on the other hand, that transformative power is something we should be scared of and be wary about. If AI is transformative, then it has the power to be transformative both for good reasons as well as bad.?However I have some reasons why the raise in robots, deep learning and artificial intelligence will not lead to the replacement of different job opportunities.
- The development of AI will create new job opportunities: While some jobs may become obsolete, new jobs that require human skills such as creativity, empathy, and critical thinking will emerge as AI and robotics become more prevalent. Further, the development and maintenance of AI and robots will require a skilled workforce(Related to the next point)
- AI and robots still require human oversight: AI and robots are not capable of independent decision-making and still require human oversight and intervention. Human workers will be needed to manage and control the technology.
- AI and robots can complement human workers: AI and robots can perform repetitive and dangerous tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on higher-level tasks that require human skills. This can lead to greater productivity, efficiency, and job satisfaction.
- Certain jobs require a human touch: Some jobs require human skills and emotional intelligence, such as teaching, caregiving, and counseling. These jobs cannot be easily replaced by machines.
- The cost of implementing AI and robots can be prohibitive: Not all businesses can afford the cost of implementing AI and robotics. For many businesses, it may be more cost-effective to maintain a human workforce.
- Your role is the Data. Some techniques for gathering data are?observations, interviews, questionnaires, schedules, and surveys. These require human input to get the necessary variables to train a good model.?
It is unlikely that jobs in the field of Computer science engineering and Technology will become obsolete in the near future, even with the rapid development in AI tools and learning. Here are a few reasons why:
- AI tools still require skilled professionals: AI tools and systems may be able to automate some tasks, but they still require skilled professionals to design, build, and maintain them. Software engineers and data scientists are crucial in developing and improving AI systems.
- The complexity of tasks involved in software engineering and data science: Software engineering and data science require a high degree of expertise and skill. These fields involve complex problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity, which are difficult for AI to replicate.
- The need for human intuition and creativity: Many software engineering and data science tasks require human intuition and creativity. For example, data scientists need to be able to interpret data and develop hypotheses, which requires a high degree of creativity and critical thinking.
- The evolution of technology requires ongoing learning and adaptation: Technology is constantly evolving, and tech experts need to continuously learn and adapt to new tools and techniques. This ongoing learning and adaptation will continue to be necessary as AI technology evolves.
Overall, while AI tools and learning will continue to impact and transform many industries, it is unlikely that they will make jobs like you do obsolete. Instead, be creative and continue to evolve with expertise in your field.