The heartbreak of losing.
The pain of not getting the breakthrough you've worked so hard for.
The stab in the heart of knowing that you really showed courage to put yourself out there, and yet.
The judgement of your own feelings leaving you embarrassed, ashamed, guilty and so frustrated you want to scream and cry.
You feel like you've fallen short.
That you've failed.
That you should've done things differently.
Should have BEEN different in that critical moment.
Or the whole time.
Maybe you shouldn't have gotten angry and lost your temper -like I did yesterday. And I spent the evening feeling awful, judging myself, feeling embarrassed and ashamed.
I don't often lose my temper any more, and I hate when I do, so I've worked hard to temper the sharp edges. To understand the signs when the lid will blow, and find a way to be more constructive about releasing whatever it is that I'm holding on to.
And yet.
Some days, it'll just happen. And I think, I'm better than that; I should KNOW better by now; that's not what good people do, what adults do, what successful people do - and the truth of it is, we ALL experience the full spectrum of what it means to be human.
The Universe decided to reinforce that message with some comments from a dear friend of mine last night, as well as several pages of the book I read while I had a bath last night.
And it shone a bright white light on a few things for me:
- First, I'm judging myself in a way I haven't for years, probably because I haven't been so explosive in years
- Second, that I now recognise and process it all so much quicker, and seek out owning up to it so that I can move through it and learn from it more quickly
- And third, that those emotions we often judge as BAD, NEGATIVE, UNHEALTHY, or whatever you choose to call them -- they're SO important. So goddamn important to experience.
Because without the darkness, we cannot experience the fullness of light. Without seeking out bad, we cannot fully experience what we call good.
We MUST experience the whole spectrum in all it's fullness of the good, bad and the ugly, the heartwarming and courageous, the evil and terrifying, the peaceful and honest, the angry and deceitful, the joyous and abundant...and everything in between, to be able to seek out what we truly want, to understand ourselves and the world better, and to be able to know those things so that we can drive ourselves closer to our truths, to BEING the person we want to be in all ways, and show up in that way daily.
If you're wanting to step into your own truth with courage and confidence; if you want to show up more deeply as who you really are to experience success in all areas of your life, whether it's in sport, business, money, or relationships, then Soul Rebel Rising is for you. Over 4 weeks you'll dive deeper into your Soul's calling, and get confident in BEING you as you really are.
We start soon, so message me now for details!