You're Fired!
Danny Hall
? Looking To Be A Chivalric World Leader? I Can Help You Get There ? The Top Gun Of Leadership ? Nearly Half A Century Of Experience In Three Unique Fields->Military-Biz-Civilian ? Creator Of The 98-1-1 Rule ?
Customers and clients are the bread and butter of your business, especially the repeat ones...
But there are times to let them go.
Often the biggest reasons are because of disrespectful and abusive behavior.
Let me give you a couple of quick examples.
At PG, I was assigned a case to try and get a woman into the Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR.
I had only 1 sole document to work with to try to prove her ancestor, and DAR had already rejected that document as proof FOUR times, but she was adamant about still trying to use it.
So I got to work.
I had to start in Virginia, go all the way to Kentucky and then back to Virginia, all to prove that the document did NOT apply to her line, but to the uncle of her guy who had the same name.
She could not claim an uncle for DAR, as it has to be a direct-line ancestor.
It was amazing work given the scarcity of records in the area in the mid to late 1700's.
I even found her an ancestor that WOULD allow her to join DAR.
She went ballistic!
She went on a tirade about how I didn't know what I was doing and wanted another session for free, and PG cowardly gave in, instead of standing up for me and backing me up.
When this happened, my case manager asked me to do the research again.
I absolutely refused...not after that attack on my character and research.
She understood, and ended up doing it herself.
I fired that client.
Here's the other...
When I was still in the pizza biz, I heard of a story of this guy who'd order a Black Olive pizza once a week, get it delivered, and immediately call back to complain about something about it.
They made him a new one and sent it to him.
This went on for years! It got so bad that they started making the second pizza automatically as the first was leaving the store.
They finally grew a backbone and told him that it appears we cannot satisfy you and that it was time for him to go somewhere else.
But why did it take years of this abusive behavior to finally do this?
So if you ever find yourself in these kind of situations, keep your dignity and just let these kind of customers go.
You won't miss them.
Looking for more leadership tips you'll never find in a book (except mine-coming soon)? DM me and let's chat.