You're falling behind b/c you don't communicate
Ray C. Guédez Kolanowski
My objective is simplify & reduce the workload of the Executive(s) I am assisting while maintaining the office running smoothly and overseeing administrative support.
After working in several industries with a broad range of different cultures and personalities, I realized that the biggest factor that separates a good employee from a bad one is ???????? ????????????.
Everyone can learn a new software (hard skills), but communicating clearly, on time, respectfully, efficiently, etc is a skill that so many people lack!
This includes myself, and after doing minor research on the subject and trying (key here is to take action) different things at work, I understand it is SO EASY TO LEARN!
If you're having issues maintaining your job for longer than a year (and not because a lack of hard skills), I highly recommend analyzing your personality. In addition, if you try and blame yourself for everything that goes wrong regarding your projects (whether or not it is the case), it allows you to figure out ways on how to improve instead of just pointing a finger.
- Did you communicate all the details to the team CLEARLY?
- Do you guys define key terms the same way?
- Do you have the same end goal in mind?
- Do you follow up often in quick meetings or long boring meetings that happen once every full moon?
- Did you assume instead of revising?
- Did you take good notes?
- Did you check your emails before asking your supervisor that dumb question that wasted their time?
At the end of the day, we are social creatures and a company is just a group of people commuting internally to achieve a goal, and thus improving your communication skills (via e-mail, text, verbally, project managing software) is VITAL.