You're the business...
Steve Blampied
Mindset Expert, helping professionals change their thoughts, feelings and behaviours & overcome stress, anxiety, overwhelm & burnout. Healing minds - Unlocking potential
If you're running a business where you are the person who makes all of the primary decisions,
if you're a "solopreneur",
or if the buck stops with you in some way,
there's something you need to think about.
If you get this wrong it can cost you your success,
if you miss this important fact,
you can waste enormous amounts of time.
So think about this.
Human beings spend most of their life on autopilot.
We like to think we are rational
but in reality we’re mostly emotionally driven creates of habit,
with deep-seated programming,
and just post-rationalise our decisions to convince ourselves that we’re in charge.
In other words we make most of our decisions based on feelings, and old information,
patterns of habit,
and then convince ourselves that we planned the whole thing.
How much of your life do you actually plan though?
Half the time we’re not even aware of what we’re doing.
This is where the old cliche of how we drive to a destination and when we get there we can't remember the process of driving comes from.
Sometimes we even find ourselves unconsciously heading to the wrong destination out of habit when we meant to go somewhere else.
Don’t we ?
So where am I going with this ?
Well think about it.
if you're in charge of running a business,
and you're this weird human being with all of your emotional decisions and old programming,
there's a good chance that at least some of the decisions you make about how you run the business
will also be based on your weird, irrational, emotional thoughts.
And because their thoughts and feelings are mostly unconscious you won't even know that you're doing it.
you'll think that you're in charge
making rational decisions based on facts
while in reality
you'll be making emotional decisions based on old memories.
And that's no way to run a business.
You're even doing this now.
You're judging these words that you're reading here based on your preconceived ideas of how you think you work.
You might even be disagreeing,
and you'd be wrong.
I see this stuff showing up all the time.
People who consciously and rationally know they have a great product or service
but find it really hard to talk to publicly about it.
People who “hate sales” (notice the emotional wording there…)
for no other reason than they have a preconceived idea of what sales is about.
People who say they know what they should be doing
but they're just not doing it.
And businesses that should be doing fantastically well,
that tick all the boxes,
but they're floundering
and they don't know why.
The plain simple truth is that if you are a human being in charge of business
you are bringing all of your "shit" with you into the business,
(Hint: S.H.I.T. = Subconscious human interactivity training)
and running the whole show based on that,
while simultaneously being completely unaware that you're doing it…
Well…maybe you're not quite totally unaware
Isn't it time you stopped ?
Isn't it time you accepted but this is how things are ?
and accept the realisation third in order to have the business you want
you might need to start by working on you ?
I suspect you might know this already.
So what are you going to do about it ?
you could carry on as you are,
doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result...
or you could make the decision to talk to me about it.
And perhaps let me help you take your business to the next level
(whatever that means)
By starting with an upgrade to the most important part of the business…
Which is of course
If this resonates at all, don't hesitate in reaching out to me for a chat.
I don't hold back and save the good stuff until you start paying, like some coaches suggest. That's just not me.
People often say they get clarity just from talking to me without ever engaging me as their coach.
And, of course, if we do figure out that there's some way I can help we can work out the details form there.