You're Not Alone
You know what's an extremely powerful way to put ourselves and others at ease? To recognize that what we're going through is "normal" and "widespread" and experienced by other people all the time -- even if they don't share it. Inner peace, followed by inner joy is what many of us are after. And a free, painless way to get there is through connection and validation.
"Me" and "too" have always been two incredibly powerful words to let someone know that we also experience insecurity about going into an interview, fear of judgment when delivering a presentation, worry about sounding unintelligent when speaking up at a meeting, doubt we're making the right decision when choosing a new career path, and concern that our work product will be criticized or fail to please. These two powerful words have also expressed connection and understanding of harsh realities and excruciating shared experiences. They are there to signify - that while we may feel like it - we are not alone.
I see people's eyes light up, their breath ease up and their bodies, hearts and minds open up when someone reaches out to tell them that they, too, have similar challenges, obstacles, worries, battles, demons, pain -- and on the contrary -- wishes, dreams, hopes, goals, desires and expectations. We go from stress and suffering to release and freedom.
So now that the world is opening up -- let's commit to this kind of a deeper connection. Let's:
- Give what we want to receive: Be great listeners; validate, appreciate, understand, instead of shame or blame, judge or place doubt.
- Go first: Share vulnerable moments; provide space and psychological safety to others by showing how un-perfect our thoughts, feelings, words, actions and lives are.
- Seek our solution: Ask for what we need; request help; own not knowing; search for shared experiences from mentors, writers, family, friends and colleagues to remind us that we're not alone.
#communication #connection #psychologicalsafety #vulnerability #confidence #freedom
Lee Broekman is a communication coach and trainer with a mission to make the world a better place, one communicator at a time. Her company Organic Communication works with high level leaders and trains decision makers in top organizations to communicate, collaborate and innovate naturally and effectively. Delivering programs in concentrated bursts, with high intensity and elevated engagement, Lee turns powerful content into actionable, applicable tools. Her book, Stop Blocking, Start Connecting: 8 Key Skills of Successful Communicators, is available on Amazon.